3rd Annual Plex/2E Worldwide Users Conference Title text for Title or Divider pages should be either 40 pt for short titles/28 pt for subtitles or 32 pts for longer titles/24 pt for subtitles. DATE text box is not on master and can be deleted. The date should always be 20 pts. 12A 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Laura Houchin, ADC Austin September 21, 2007
2September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA Bio Slide >Laura Houchin >ADC Austin, Senior Consultant >2E user/consultant since 1991 joined Synon/Sterling/CA in 1996 joined ADC in 2006 >St Louis, Missouri >Likes: Reading, Gardening
2E Impact Analysis Techniques Title text for Title or Divider pages should be either 40 pt for short titles /28 pt for subtitles or 32 pts for longer titles /24 pt for subtitles No DATE on divider pages. Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is 2_Default Design Slide Master ▪ Limited use of primary bullets To reapply Master on Divider pages ONLY, [Format > Slide Design > Apply a design template: > (choose Design 1, 2, or 3) > Apply to Selected Slides]
Using the shipped impact analysis facility It does work! Title text for Title or Divider pages should be either 40 pt for short titles /28 pt for subtitles or 32 pts for longer titles /24 pt for subtitles No DATE on divider pages. Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is 4_Default Design Slide Master ▪ Limited use of primary bullets To reapply Master on Divider pages ONLY, [Format > Slide Design > Apply a design template: > (choose Design 1, 2, or 3) > Apply to Selected Slides]
5September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis >Impact Analysis in 2E works well if you know how to use it. Understand the kind of change to be made! Understand how to use the Display Model Usages panel >Usages in the 2E model can be done on any object from almost any screen U next to the object on most screens, including in the A/D Option 91 from Edit Model Object List (Object) Option 92 from Edit Model Object List (Owner) >Simulate Public or Private change Option 94/95 from the Display Model Usages screen Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
6September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis >Database changes Changing a field attribute or a relation impacts all associated access paths and functions If the key to the file is changed in any way, any related files (Owned by, Refers to) are impacted! Adding or removing Virtual fields at the model level only impacts the specific access paths using virtuals Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
7September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis >Database changes Field changes – start with usages on the field –Could be used on a device design! Relation change could mean a new field or relation –Do Usages on the PHY access path, then expand –Implicit references are included (REFACP) –Be aware that Usages won’t know whether you are changing a key relation or not, so you may get access paths from other files on your list Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
8September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp 2006.
9September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp Next page shows more functions AND the access paths
Create your own utility Title text for Title or Divider pages should be either 40 pt for short titles /28 pt for subtitles or 32 pts for longer titles /24 pt for subtitles No DATE on divider pages. Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is 4_Default Design Slide Master ▪ Limited use of primary bullets To reapply Master on Divider pages ONLY, [Format > Slide Design > Apply a design template: > (choose Design 1, 2, or 3) > Apply to Selected Slides]
11September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp Create your own utility for Impact Analysis >Useful for Database changes >Especially useful if you have non-2E objects >Very useful for multiple models where files have been assimilated in
12September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp STEP 1 - IBM Command DSPPGMREF (to an output file)
13September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp STEP 2 – Assimilate the outfile into a 2E model >YRTVPFMDL command >Assign key fields
14September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp STEP 3 – Create access path (usually only 1 needed)
15September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Page based on Title and 2-column Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp STEP 4 – Create functions – display and print Setup up a CL to set the library list to only the necessary libraries and run the DSPPGMREF command to refresh the data file as needed
A word about *Private and *Public Title text for Title or Divider pages should be either 40 pt for short titles /28 pt for subtitles or 32 pts for longer titles /24 pt for subtitles No DATE on divider pages. Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is 4_Default Design Slide Master ▪ Limited use of primary bullets To reapply Master on Divider pages ONLY, [Format > Slide Design > Apply a design template: > (choose Design 1, 2, or 3) > Apply to Selected Slides]
17September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis *Public/*Private simulation >Public change is generally thought to be a change to the parameter interface. So only the objects that call the function need to be handled, right? If you change in internal function you also impact anything that calls that function! >Private changes are changes to: Device Design Action Diagram logic (external functions only) Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
18September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis *Public/*Private simulation >Example: An internal function Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
19September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis >*Private change simulation Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
20September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis >*Public change simulation Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets
21September 21, A - 2E Impact Analysis Techniques Copyright © 2007 CA 2E Impact Analysis Questions? Page based on Title and Text from Slide Layout palette. Design is cacorp ▪ Limited use of primary bullets