1 Policies Promoting Renewables to Reduce GHG Emission & Improve Air Quality Presented by Commissioner Edward Garvey Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Policies Promoting Renewables to Reduce GHG Emission & Improve Air Quality Presented by Commissioner Edward Garvey Minnesota Public Utilities Commission at The National Governors Association’ s Center for Best Practices Thursday, February 28, 2002

2 Types of Renewables Wind Biomass Solar Geothermal Hydro Others? –Demand Response?

3 Policies to Support Renewables Mandates Pricing & Subsidies Taxation Regulatory Standards Marketing Education

4 Demand Response as another Renewable? DR can be seen as a “renewable” in that it doesn’t emit carbon and by creating “negawatts” is just as important as new generation DR can achieve big results, is under utilized, and can cost effectively prevent considerable GHG emissions DR can be promoted using the same strategies as renewables


6 What is Demand Response? Finding ways to use less electricity when demand is very high and/or to lessen the overall growth for needed electricity Types of Demand Response: –Load Management –Conservation –Efficiency