Race A Kart Iwakuni, Japan 19 November 2012
The Drawing Takes Place For 3 Lucky Winners … Sharon Allen Thurston DECA Manager Carl & Sharon Brandon Delaney
The Contestants, AFN TV & The Car Guys Get Ready! Andrew Lenoir Lcpl Phillips AFN Radio
They Are Off!!! PO1 Mark Lahey Collecting his goods!
Counting Their Take!!! $ $ $334.10
2nd Place & 3 rd Place PO1 Mark Lahey $150 DECA Commissary Gift Card Mrs. Asako Saiki $150 DECA Commissary Gift Card
Our Winner!!! Sgt Matthew Mata $250 DECA Commissary Gift Card
Event Recap zThe Race-A-Kart Challenge went very well. We didn’t have a lot of people show up; however, it was fun nonetheless. Sharon Allen Thurston and her staff had everything set up prior to us arriving and were awesome! zThe AFN staff were there to interview the racing contestants, Myself, Mrs. Sharon Allen Thurston, and also Andrew. Attached to these are many pictures of the event. It was truly a great time. zHolding the time clock we timed all 3 of the contestants as they got a chance to race around the Commissary for 90 seconds at a time; loading there carts up with as much as they could within that window. All Commissary items were fair game excluding dairy, meats and other perishable items, but limited to only two of any specific item. Whomever had the highest in dollar amount at the end of their 90 seconds won $ in DeCA Commissary gift certificates; with $ and $ going to the 2 nd and 3 rd place finishers. Sgt Matthew Mata came in 1 st place with the highest dollar amount of $ PO1 Mark Lahey came in 2 nd place with the dollar amount of $650.01; with Mrs. Asako Saiki coming in 3 rd place with $ Congratulations to all of the winners.