Desegregation Civil Rights 1950’s/1960’s
1896- Plessy v Ferguson supports separate but equal 1950 Brown v Board of Education 7 year old Linda Brown tried to enroll in white school. NAACP took to Supreme Court- UNCONSTITUTIONAL racial integration “with all deliberate speed”
Sibley Commission: -talked to people to get opinion about integrating schools. -private schools opened. -each school should have the right to decide.
GEORGIA INTEGRATES SCHOOLS: 1961 UGA first two African American Students: Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes Governor Vandiver is for integration. Went better in Georgia than other states Atlanta Public Schools was the first to integrate 1971 ALL schools
Montgomery Bus Boycott: 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up seat for white Person and was arrested. Trail set Dec 5 th. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. asked blacks to boycott city bus system until: 1.Treated with courtesy 2.Black drivers for black routes 3.First come first serve seating African Americans: Walked, car pooled, 10 cent taxi rides 1956 public transportation segregation unconstitutional