A social institution that unites individuals into cooperative groups that oversee the bearing and raising of children They are built upon KINSHIP- a social bond based on blood, marriage or adoption This institution is universal among all societies
A legally sanctioned relationship Families typically form around a marriage Cultural norms (and in some cases laws) identify people as desirable or unsuitable marriage partners ENDOGAMY- Marriage between people of the same social category MONOGAMY-Marriage in which a person is legally allowed to have only one wife or husband at a time POLYGAMY- Marriage in which one person van be legally married to two or more members of the opposite sex at the same time
Is continuously changing shape… Historically, marriage was the appropriate context for procreation Matrimony means the ‘condition of motherhood’ Census 2001 defined families as married or common law couples with or without children New definitions accommodate same sex unions where childbearing will become less of a focus for the majority of couples The concept of the ‘Nuclear Family’ is no longer the norm
Extended family: Unit consisting of husband, wife, children, grandparents and other relatives Blended Family: When one or both partners in a marriage have children from a previous marriage and combine them to form a new family
Courtship Romantic Love Settling in: Ideal and Real Marriage Child Rearing The family in later life
Functionalists Major functions of the family ▪ Socializing the young ▪ Regulating sexual activity ▪ Transmitting social placement ▪ Providing material & emotional support Conflict Theorists The family perpetuates social inequality by transmitting divisions based on class, ethnicity, race and gender Poverty and inheritance Race and ethnicity Patriarchy
Individualism is on the rise Romantic love often subsides Women are now less dependent on men Many of today’s marriages are stressful Divorce is more socially acceptable Divorce is legally easier to accomplish
Divorce rates are likely to remain high Family life will be highly variable Men are likely to continue to play a limited role in child rearing We will continue to feel the effects of economic changes on the family The importance of new reproductive technologies will increase…