Biomedical Informatics Research Network BIRN Workflow Portal Shawn Murphy Michael Mendis
Biomedical Informatics Research Network Goals Allow mBIRN software to be consumed by both inside and outside groups on a consistent computing platform Able to integrate various different pipeline applications (LONI, FIPS, jBPM) into an analysis Infinite undo/redo from various points in an analysis; able to recalculate and compare results Possible to distribute computing to various sites by promoting web services
Biomedical Informatics Research Network BIRN Infrastructure Authentication Services (GAMA)Data Grid (SRB) BIRN-CC Development Environment
Biomedical Informatics Research Network Final hardening of the Portal workflow application Provide complete workflow management solution in the Workbench –Improve functioning with GAMA authentication server –Improve flow with the SRB through client plug-in in the Workbench that allows interactions with the SRB with a robust file management UI –Incorporate view in Workbench for start, parameter entry, and status views to provide complete workbench solution –Package all pieces as Eclipse plug-ins Improve error handling and reporting within internal operation of workflow software. Make ROCKs build Complete the support for data provenance as currently specified Add ontology of workflows to BIRNLex Finalize and provide documentation for: –creating the application wrapper –creating additions to the workflow ontology –storing results in the workflows database
Biomedical Informatics Research Network Release workflow for gradient distortion correction algorithm that requires proprietary spherical harmonic information Assure that LONI pipelines can be run through the workflow portal
Biomedical Informatics Research Network SRB (File Repository) SRB Client BIRN Portal or uploaddownload Web Server FIPS LONI WF driver (client) jBPM WF driver (server) GAMA Tomcat Server GridSphere WF portlet Interface SRB Client Interface DB Request Form Status of Request Check on Status Final Report start task status BIRN Workflow Workbench Allows direct creation of jBPM workflows Displays and control workflow progress Allow robust uploading to SRB Scalable to include results analysis with NCBC software Eclipse plug-ins
Biomedical Informatics Research Network
Integration with Upload Goals Upload of image files (only) to SRB built into current BIRN Workflow manager. Server-sided clinical data management may be modeled after NIH NCBC project.
Biomedical Informatics Research Network
Data Repository Principles Analytical database schema that does not need to change with new data types and concepts Defined, fundamental unit of data = observation Defined metadata strategy Various levels of de- identification. Person_IdConcept_CdStart_DateObserver_Cd Z234CT-A-SMK1/1/1997M Z234CT-A-SMK1/1/1998M Z234IC /1/2001M Z234CT-A-NSK1/1/2002M Patient_idBirth_dateSex_cdRace_cd Z2343/4/1924FemaleBlack Concept_cdConcept_pathName_char CT-A-SMKAsthV1\DRptNLP\Tobacco Use\SmokerSmoking IC9-3051V2\Diagnosis\Mental Disorders ( )\Non-psychotic disorders ( )\(305) Nondependent abuse of drugs\(305-1) Tobacco use disorder\( ) Tobacco use disorder, co~ Tobacco Use Disorder, continuous use CT-A-NSKAsthV1\DRptNLP\Tobacco Use\Non smokerNever smoked Observer_C d Provider_PathName_Char M MGH\Neurology\M M
Biomedical Informatics Research Network BIRN Workflow Portal
Biomedical Informatics Research Network