UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade Civil Information Management Status Update 1.


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Presentation transcript:

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade Civil Information Management Status Update 1

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade 2 What is… Civil Information Management? What Information? ASCOPE Areas Structures Capabilities Organizations People Events PMES-II Political M ilitary Environment Social Infrastructure Information Systems Demographics Economics Social constructs Culture Political processes Political leaders Civil-military relationships Infrastructure nodes Non-state actors in the AO Civil defense Public safety and health capabilities Environment Events Civil Information Management (CIM) is the process whereby civil information is collected, consolidated in a central database, and shared with the supported elements, higher headquarters, other US Government and Department of Defense agencies, international organizations, and Non Governmental Organizations. J-CIM Process Planning Collection Consolidation Analysis Production Sharing CIM FILTERS APPLY FILTERS COMMON CIVIL PICTURE JP 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, dtd 08 July 2008 Definition: Joint Force Commander Planning & Execution Supports

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade 3 Background J-CIM Supports the Full Range of Military Operations J-CIM is Relevant from Phase Zero to Phase Five Civil Information is a Key Element for Successful Planning, Execution, and Assessments for all Phases of Operations within the Civil Domain JP 3-57 Civil Military Operations 8 July 2008 Civil Information in Full Spectrum Operations

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade 4 CIM Problems Lack of common procedures complicates operations and integration efforts. Lack of single reporting standard and common language defining the civil domain impedes Joint Force Commander’s ability to obtain unity of effort among military, government, and the humanitarian assistance and development communities. Lack of civil information sharing has led to redundant efforts and wasted resources GATER/IKE, CAOS, CIDNE, PIX/INDURE, TiGR, HT-Map, AxisPro Relief Web, Relief Net, Harmonie Web, Current Operational Challenges Impact Frequently, civilian and military organizations operate together in the same geographic location and have no standardized means or methods to collect, consolidate, or share the information in order to improve the joint force commander’s and senior leaders situational awareness of civil domain.

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade HOA Integration Current Limitations UNCLASSIFIED SIPR REPORTS Mission Assessment Lessons Learned Key leader Engagements REPORTS Mission Assessment Lessons Learned Key leader Engagements (non-FOUO) Reports Fusion Cell FOUO REPORTS Engagements Key leader Engagements REPORTS Engagements Key leader Engagements CAT A Teams FAC Analysis and Data Fusion Theater Security Cooperation(TSC) Fusion Action Cell (FAC) Key leader Engagements Analysis and Data Fusion Theater Security Cooperation(TSC) Fusion Action Cell (FAC) Key leader Engagements

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade CJTF-HOA CIM Support To FAC APAN Network 6 Plans Officer (O-4/O-3) Desk NCOCIMJ-2 Analyst Foreign Liaison Officer Desk Officer (O-4/O-3) Team Leader (O-5) TSC-FAC APAN Linkage Country Desk Structure CIM Uganda Djibouti Ethiopia Kenya Burundi Country

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade CJTF-HOA Today All FAC teams have a country specific APAN page/community built Each team has an assigned CIM Analyst to administer the page (“Store owners”) “Part Time” job Content managed by country team J-2 analyst (“Store Managers”) “Part Time” job Working towards the implementation of “best practices” CIM Team components (404 th CA BN Currently) –OIC – CPT Reedy –NCOIC – SFC Weaver –6 Analysts (SPC-SGT) 7

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade Where CJTF-HOA is Going CJTF-HOA Create country networks by inviting targeted audiences to join the APAN communities Proof concept and enable partner countries to use APAN Provide regionally relevant information/organization that facilitates international operations 8

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade APAN Test CONUS to CJTF-HOA 9 APAN Test Adobe Connect session on 8 December with CJTF- HOA Ethiopian FAC –Bandwidth issues due to video stream –Discussion of possible interaction –Discussion of the need to add to mobilization training: APAN CIDNE INDURE Discussion of CONUS support –Technical support; Sharepoint and web-site assistance –Possible reach back capabilities

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade 304 th CIM Plan Gain Access –APAN –INDURE –CIDNE Determine availability to analyze and support –TPU Time to train –Lack of network in the USARC –Lack of SIPR access –Required training may limit real world support –Must link capabilities to real world mission needs 10 DECONFLICT USACAPOC 85 th CA Brigade CJTF-HOA AFRICOM USARAF CACOMs CA Brigades DoS?? NGOs??

UNCLASSIFIED Liberty Brigade Requests for Support CJTF-HOA Mob training MUST reflect what is needed; not what was needed Need for reach back capabilities –Limited analysis capabilities –Limited technical capabilities Mobilize capabilities to fulfill the mission requirement; help the RFF process –Need for people to fill the roles in the FACs –Need for trained CIM personnel; CIDNE, INDURE, APAN –Need for trained CIVIL information analysts 11