Life requires about 25 basic elements… 96% of Living Matter O C H N Other 4% is MOSTLY Ca P K S Trace Elements Life requires about 25 basic elements… 96% of Living Matter O C H N Other 4% is MOSTLY Ca P K S Trace Elements
Talk #1 - Biomolecules If you were an elite athlete, would you rather eat a high protein/low carbohydrate diet, or would you rather eat a diet with equal amounts of carbohydrates and proteins? After you have made your decision, give two reasons to support your choice.
Read PAT: “Pay-Attention-To” List What is a biomolecule? List 2 reasons why carbon is important List the subunit names and functions of the following biomolecules: – Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids
Talk #2 1.How is the structure and function of each of the four biomolecules the same? 2.What are the differences among the four biomolecules? 3.Do you think the structure of a biomolecules is important for its function? Why or why not?
Write Select two of the biomolecules (Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids) Explain how the structure and function of each of the two you choose help support/sustain life Write for a fellow Biology student Be sure to explain your two biomolecules clearly! Partner Read/Proof
Application: Patients 1-5
Prove It! 1.What is a biomolecule? 2.What are the four biomolecules needed to support and sustain life? 3.Why is the structure of a biomolecule significant? 4.What are the subunits of protein? 5.What is the function of a lipid?