Valley Forge
After the Battle of Saratoga, the French and the Spanish came to the colonies to help the American Patriots win the war. Both France and Spain hated England!
Marquis de Lafayette Served as major-general Born 1757 His father was killed by the British in battle Joined the Revolutionary War at 19 Helped convince the French to support the Americans
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben He was from Prussia Did not speak English well- issues? A Major in the Continental Army Taught military drills, tactics, and discipline Served as Washington’s chief of staff in later years
Picture Analysis Regarding the following picture think for a few minutes SILENTLY of your analysis (we will then discuss as a class) Who is the person in the picture? What time of year is it? What time of day? What do you think is going on? What do you think are the emotions of the person in the picture? What do you think the painter was trying to show when creating this painting?
Prayer at Valley Forge The picture is called “Prayer at Valley Forge”. Although we do not know just how spiritual George Washington really was, the painting shows Washington praying for the lives and poor conditions his men were in. Valley Forge was when George Washington and 12,000 of his troops camped in Pennsylvania in the winter of and struggled to survive sickness, cold, hunger, lack of clothes, shoes and other necessities.
Lafayette, Washington, and Steuben shaped up the troops into a better organized army with more tactics and strategies while at Valley Forge. The men starved, froze, and lacked basic needs. A total of 2,000 men died at Valley Forge
Letter from Washington to Governor Clinton asking for supplies “Dear Sir: … I mean the present dreadful situation of the army for want of provisions, and the miserable prospects before us, … For some days past, there has been little less, than a famine in camp. A part of the army has been a week, without any kind of flesh, and the rest for three or four days. Naked and starving as they are, we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery, that they have not been ere this excited by their sufferings, to a general mutiny or dispersion. … I am, on my part, putting every engine to work, that I can possibly think of, to prevent the fatal consequences, we have so great a reason to apprehend. I am calling upon all those, whose stations and influence enable them to contribute their aid upons so important an occasion;”
Letter from a Soldier Camp at the Valley Forge, [24th of December, 1777 ]:Valley Forge1777 “... We still live, and are even happy in the anticipation of future joys, while multitudes have fallen by the iron hand of war. How many tender, fond connections have been broken by it ! How many parents hearts have been rent with grief, how many widowed mates, how many spotless virgins (like the drooping lilies), have bowed their heads, oppressed with sorrow, at the loss of children, husbands, lovers ! And, my amiable mate, the possibility that that might be your lot has cost me many a tear. But God has spared me, in mercy to us both, in kindness to my parents and friends, in favor to our sweet babe, and, I hope, not without future benefit to my country. Let us, my dear, ever gratefully acknowledge God's goodness to us, and devoutly pray for the continuance of it...” -Timothy Pickering
The men at Valley Forge were miserable, cold, hungry, starving & sick. Many did not have shoes while in the snow Despite many of them being volunteers, many of them stayed and trained through the winter in order to fight. How much do you appreciate your freedoms? Are you willing to do the same as they did?
What sacrifices have you made in your life for a great cause? If the opportunity came, would you take it?
Writing assignment: ◦Using the next picture, 1.Out of the 5 numbered people, Choose ONE person to become 2. Imaging you ARE that person, write a letter to a loved one (Mother, GF, child, etc) about what difficulties you are facing while at Valley Forge. 3. Make sure you use facts we have discussed about… (Don’t just say you are cold) Feel free to use the book for more information (Hint: Look in the index for pages on “Valley Forge”) Requirements: Your letter must be at least 6 sentences in length. Please turn it in at the end of the period. Work QUIETLY, BY YOURSELF!