School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support Day 2
Goals for Today Team Progress Reports Introduce PBIS Assessments Develop behavior expectation lesson plans Set teaching Schedule Plan for involving families Create acknowledgment systems linked to the school rules Define the logistics of the acknowledgment systems
Materials SCCOE PBIS Website – Resources Tier 1 Day 2 Materials/Presentations
Working Agreements
Team Progress Reports What have you accomplished since the last training? – Finalize PBS team members – On-site meeting & meeting schedule – SW Rules – Expectations Grid – Presentation to staff – Feedback & participation from staff
Team Progress Reports QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet What have you accomplished? What is working well? Do you have any questions regarding your team tasks? Review team progress so far: Finalized PBIS team members Meeting schedule Rules Expectation Grid Presentation to staff Feedback and Participation from staff Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #1 Team Training Checklist
Behavioral Expectations Extending PBIS into the Classroom
Defining Classroom Expectations
Mapping SW Rules to Classroom Expectations & Procedures
Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet How will you extend the SW Rules into the classroom? How will we actively and explicitly set up teachers to make this link in their classrooms? Develop a plan for extending SW Rules into the classroom. Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #4 Classroom Lesson Plan Template/Example
Teaching Behavioral Expectations & Routines
PBIS: Defining Features
Difference between Proactive Teaching and Reactive Teaching
How will you teach expectations?
Teaching Matrix SETTING All SettingsHallwaysPlaygroundsCafeteria Library/ Computer Lab AssemblyBus Respect Ourselves Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk.Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Respect Others Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Respect Property Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs appropriately. Wipe your feet. Sit appropriately. Expectations 1. SOCIAL SKILL 2. NATURAL CONTEXT 3. BEHAVIOR EXAMPLES
Expectations & behavioral skills are taught & recognized in natural context
Expectations Taught in Natural Setting Good and Bad Examples
Teaching Behavioral Expectations & Routine
Proactive Teaching
Developing Lesson Plans Develop plans which teachers can use to teach identified expectations across settings Choose a lesson plan template you like
What to Teach Why to Teach Let’s get specific LESSON Model Practice Check
What to Teach Why to Teach Let’s get specific LESSON Model Practice Check
Expectations & Procedures Lesson Plan
Teaching Schedule Teaching & Re-Teaching
Teaching Schedule Beginning of the Year Kick-Off – Schools often hold an “event” (Fair, Rodeo, Walk- about, Kick-off) during first days of school where students go to school locations and are taught expectations – Scheduled times for review Often do a ‘refresher’ after returning from winter break Periodic reviews
SW-PBIS Kick-Off Schedule
Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet What lesson plan template will you use? Who will do use lesson plans? Will we provide a template for teachers? Choose a lesson plan template best fits for your team. Determine if your team will develop lesson plans for all areas. Begin creating lesson plans for all areas. Develop a plan for using the lesson plans Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #5/6 Lesson Plan template I and II How do you plan to schedule teaching of behavior expectations? When will you re-teach? How will new students be introduced to the lessons? How will new staff or substitutes be introduced? How will parents be involved? Develop a behavior expectation teaching schedule. Plan a beginning of the year kick-off. And plan for re-teaching, new students, substitutes, new staff, and getting parents involved. Worksheet #1 Training Notes Teaching Schedule examples (HO #7)
PBIS Assessment
Introduction to Preview Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
Fidelity Measurements - SWPBIS Implementation SASTICSET Participants Entire Staff completes online at ● credentialed ● classified ● after school staff, etc. PBIS Team completes online at 1. In-person interviews with: ● Principal ● Staff (representative) ● Students 2. Observations of School Campus 3. Products (Handbook, etc.) Approx. Time Needed 30 minutes to complete assessment 15 minutes to complete assessment1.5-2 hours to complete evaluation Time FrameMarch/April- Submit by 5/1 1. September/October (at 2nd meeting)- Submit by 10/31 2. January/February- Submit by 2/28 3. April/May- submit by 5/1 October/November- Submit by 11/30 (for first two years) February through April- Submit by 5/1 Frequency1x/year3x/year (for the first two years) 1x/year 2x/year -first two years of implementation Data EntryIndividual Staff members submit his/her survey online at PBIS Team submits one survey online at PBIS Coach enters collected data online at
Available from OSEP TA- Center No Cost Assessors Training PowerPoint and Assessors Training Video at
Team Implementation Checklist Subscale
Staff Self Assessment Subscale
Staff Self- Assessment Survey x Item
Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet Did we complete our Team Implementation Checklist? What areas do we need support with? Do they align with what components are in place and not in place? Complete the Tiered Fidelity Inventory with your coach on Online: Handout #13 TFI Handout #2 Quick Guide for the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Worksheet #2 TIC 3.1 Action Plan How will your entire staff complete the SAS? What will you do with the data? Schedule a time for your whole staff to complete the SAS Handout #3 Quick Guide for the Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
Acknowledgement Systems
Get up and Move Activity Find a partner from another team Introduce yourself Share an acknowledgement strategy you use in your class or with an individual student
PBIS: Defining Features Reinforcing Expected Behavior – Teaching alone is not enough, we also need to regularly Reinforce students for following expectations Improving the School Climate – By increasing the number of Positive Interactions between staff and students we are improving the school climate.
Acknowledgement Systems
FAILURE SUCCESS 5 : 1 Prompting Student Behavior What parents, teachers, peers and others do to increase student success---the whole village!
5:1 ratio, it’s not just for kids ■ Business teams High Performance teams = 5.6 to 1 Medium Performance teams = 1.9:1 Low Performance teams = 1 to 2.7 ■ Losada, 1999; Losada & Heaphy 2004 ■ Married couples that last 5.1 to for speech acts and 4.7 to 1 for observed emotions ■ Gottman, 1994
Gottman info. Predicted whether 700 newlywed couples would stay together or divorce by scoring their positive and negative interactions in one 15-minute conversation between each husband and wife. Ten years later, the follow-up revealed that they had predicted divorce with 94% accuracy. – Marriages that last: 5.1 to 1 for speech acts and 4.7 to 1 for observed emotions – Marriages likely to end in divorce: 1 (+) to1.3 (-) ratio likely to end up in divorce
Acknowledgement Systems
It’s about the conversation…. “Sergio, thank you for picking up Jackie’s book for her you are being very Respectful. I want to recognize your good behavior with a Caught Being Good ticket, I really appreciate it when you follow the school rules.” Tell the student what specific positive behavior they were doing and what rule it is tied to.
I came to school this morning with the lessons from yesterday fresh in my mind. I decided that I would focus on positive behaviors today, and try and let the negative go away on its own. I started the day with a quick carpet talk, telling students how proud I was of all their good work and asking them to continue for today. I addressed a few issues but then if was off to work. I called students to my desk, or leaned over to talk to them every time I saw something respectful or helpful. At the end of the day, I sat at the carpet with them and asked if it was different today as compared to before I left. I had 20 hands fly up and the comments ranged from, “you were nice” to “you liked us.” Talk about immediate feedback. I am sure every day will have new challenges and one day is not forever, but I believe that the first step to having a great day is being positive. - George Kastanis, 3 rd grade teacher, John Still Elementary
Team Discussion What concerns might come up at your school regarding acknowledgement systems, incentives, etc? What ideas or questions do you have about how to address these concerns with staff?
Considerations when developing an acknowledgement ticket Easy for staff to use Limit writing….quick & easy! Link acknowledgement to a school rule ALL staff should use tickets ALL students should be able to access tickets & acknowledgement At least 50% of the students should be acknowledged every 2 months
“Thanks for Making Good Choices”
Student of the Month
Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet Do you have an existing ticket, token, acknowledgment system? How will you develop an acknowledgment system that coincides with your Rules? Evaluate any existing tokens used to identify potential for improvement. Develop an acknowledgment ticket that coincides with your Rules. Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #11 Acknowledgment Packet
Acknowledgement System Logistics
Public & Private Acknowledgements Assemblies Part of regular school routine Morning Announcements Be Creative! – System & reinforcers must be developmentally appropriate What are some ways you can privately acknowledge students and staff?
Strategies to Acknowledge Student Behavior Link to School Rule: School Bulletin / Newsletter Weekly Focus Rule/Expectation Poster of the Week Call Home Morning Announcement Verbal Examples……
Acknowledgement Systems
Reinforcer Ideas Elementary – Trinkets paired with public recognition – Privileges – School supplies – Special lunch – Staff serve students lunch – Extra recess time Middle & High School – Homework pass – Discounts at school store – Tickets to school dance – Time w/ peers Pizza party Social & listen to music – Lunch w/ staff – Staff serve spaghetti dinner – In-school movie – Early release from class – Class parties or cultural events – Movie tickets See 100 Free or Inexpensive Rewards Handout
“GOLDEN PLUNGER” Involve custodian Procedure – Custodian selects one classroom/ hallway each week that is clean & orderly – Sticks gold-painted plunger with banner on wall “1 FREE PERIOD” Contributing to a safe, caring, effective school environment Procedures – Given by Principal – Principal takes over class for one hour – Used at any time “G.O.O.S.E.” “Get Out Of School Early” – Or “arrive late” Procedures – Kids/staff nominate – Kids/staff reward, then pick “DINGER” Reminding staff to have positive interaction Procedures –Ring timer on regular, intermittent schedule –Engage in quick positive interaction
“No cost” rewards
Team Activity QuestionsTeam TaskWorksheet How & where will tickets be turned in? What is the schedule for Acknowledgment assembly? How will the acknowledgment celebration/ assembly work? What reinforcers will be handed out to selected students at the acknowledgment celebration/assemblies? Develop your schools acknowledgement systems logistics Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #11 Acknowledgment Packet Handout #12 Acknowledgment Packet Handout Free or Inexpensive Rewards for Students Handout
Shoulder Partner Activity Turn to your team member to the right of you Share a time you were acknowledged by a supervisor Describe how it made you feel
Staff Acknowledgement
Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet How will we positively acknowledge staff? How can we link that to recognizing staff that use the student incentive program? Develop a staff acknowledgement system that’s linked to the student incentive program Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #11 Acknowledgment Packet
Frequently Asked Questions Should we track Positive Referrals? – Track it broadly, not individually Are teachers going through enough referral pads? Are grade levels invested in the system? How many should be given out? – Better to err on the side of more than less – Need to be genuine & verbally paired w/ reason, not handed out indiscriminately
Frequently Asked Questions Shouldn’t students be expected to do these things without being rewarded? 1)Sure, BUT students are bringing a varied set of experiences and skills to school, unfortunately some students may not get enough acknowledgment at home 2)How many of you feel you get acknowledged often enough for the work you do? 3)This system should not replace regular verbal praise and pats on the back for students …all this system provides in addition for most students is a small piece of paper 4)This system is as much to help remind the adults to catch kids doing the right thing in school… we get busy and too often get caught up focusing on predominantly negative behavior ▪(5 to 1 ratio)
Family Involvement Extending SW-PBIS into the Home
How can we involve families? Family representative (s) on PBIS team Regular PBIS updates in Parent Newsletter, Back to School Night; Introduction to PBIS Integration of PBIS into home
Try PBIS at Home 3 School Rules: – Manage Self, Respect Others and Solve Problems Responsibly Select a routine or setting in your home and begin to build your own matrix. For example, let’s take the routine – Doing homework. What would that behavior look like under each of the expectations? RoutineManage SelfRespect Others Solve Problems Responsibly Homework -Do homework from 4:30 - 5:30 everyday-Do work in study area-No TV or music-Do your best work- Use signal to indicate when help is needed. -Work quietly -Save questions until parent check in -Have all materials ready and organized -Skip difficult problems for help later
PBIS Tips for Home Encourage self-control by providing meaningful choices. Focus on the desired behavior, rather than the one to be avoided. Build children's images of themselves as trustworthy, responsible and cooperative. Expect the best from the child. Say "Yes" whenever possible. Notice and pay attention to children when they do things right. Take action before a situation gets out of control. Set clear, consistent rules. Make certain the environment is safe and worry-free. Show interest in the child's activities. Provide appropriate and engaging playthings. Give clear directions, one at a time. Encourage children often and generously. Set a good example. Help children see how their actions affect others. Tips for Schools on How to Involve Families - Rev , Illinois PBIS Network
Team Activity QuestionsTeam TaskWorksheet What are your current school efforts to involve families in school and PBIS related activities? How will you involve families in PBIS related activities? Review the Family Involvement Checklist. Complete an inventory of current efforts and brainstorm opportunities for involving families. Worksheet #1 Training Notes Handout #8 Family Involvement Checklist Handout #9 & 10 Tips for Schools on How to Involve Families
Today’s Team Tasks Develop or refine your Acknowledgment System – Develop a process for the Acknowledgment System How to give out & collect acknowledgment slips – Develop & distribute acknowledgement slip – Develop an Acknowledgment assembly schedule & plan assemblies – Develop a list of Reinforcers – Collect reinforcers – Train staff in details of how system will work
Follow-up Tasks Finalized SW PBS team & meeting schedule Developing Expectations Grid Developing Lesson Plans – Developing a teaching schedule for School Rules Develop Acknowledgment System Ongoing plan for staff feedback
Questions? Evaluations Thank you!