Results of the Crusades Increased dislike/mistrust among Christians, Muslims and Jews. Popes and Lords lost power Kings gained power International Trade Reborn Interest in Exploration
The Black Death The years , 1362, 1363
The Black Death In 1347, four Genoese trade ships from Kaffa arrived in Sicily from the Black Sea. –Most of the crew was dead or dying The trade ships brought goods from China but also…a deadly cargo, a disease later called…the Black Death. The disease soon spread to Italy, France Germany, England following the trade routes. –Off Italy’s coast ships full of dead men floated by… –By ,000-65,000 people in Florence were killed by Plague Poor sanitary conditions in Europe helped disease spread rapidly.
The Plague “Black Death” BUBONIC - The bacteria from flea bite invades lymph node - causes great swelling. Internal bleeding starts Blood dries under the skin and turns black, hence the name "Black Death". Many died w/in 24 hrs of contracting disease.
The Plague Entered Europe from Asia spread by rats No one knew the cause Caused 25 million deaths throughout Europe Superstition/ Fear spread in Europe-Jews blamed
The Culprits
The Disease Cycle Flea drinks rat blood that carries the bacteria. Flea’s gut clogged with bacteria. Bacteria multiply in flea’s gut. Flea bites human and regurgitates blood into human wound. Human is infected!
The Plague Plague affected authority of Church- which did not have answers or ability to stop its spread. Feudalism changed- workers so scarce could demand high wages Population wouldn’t increase until 1400s Death carts like this one became a common site in Europe
Lancing a Buboe
Late Medieval Art & the Plague
Boccaccio in The Decameron The victims ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors.
Medieval Art & the Plague Bring out your dead!
Attempts to Stop the Plague A Doctor’s Robe “Leeching”
The Mortality Rate 35% - 70% 25,000,000 dead !!!