THE DISEASE Herpes is a sexual transmitted disease that is passed though the sex organs known as the penis, vagina, mouth and anus. The way this happens is one of the sexes has the STD and they have to sexual intercourse or kiss someone while they have got it. Herpes has to sides two sides to it there is HSV-1 HSV-2 Herpes is a virus infection.
WHO SUFFERS The people who suffer this terrible virus are both women and men who have had it or got it or received it. There is no gender that suffers from this virus more both women and men share equal ness and have no other symptoms from each other.
HSV-1 HSV-1 is a infection that is pass down in the family or though a kiss with a girl friend or sexual partner in your life time. This can happen any time in your life young or old. Normally this infection is called cold sores and they happen when you are getting affected by a cold. The way cold sores show are around your mouth and they are a white creamy colour and the ooze a clear liquid when popped they from in a little sack sort of like a pimple. HSV-1 is controlled and fixed by creams prescribed by a doctor.
HSV- 2 HSV-2 is the sexual transmitted disease, it affect the males or females though there sex organ. The way it accrues is the male or female must participate in sexual intercourse without pertection from a condom. The way to get ride of this STD is go see a doctor as early as you can and they will prescribe antibiotics and a cream for the infection. The STD will show after about a week after the intercourse was performed with the person. The way hsv-2 shows is that it ill come up around the genitals in a form of warts and it can be very painful to urinate and have sexual intercourse.