Executive Committee Meeting January 19, 2012
Introductions (as necessary) Determine quorum
Financial Reports
Individual Training Account Balances by Month
Career Center Budgets - Adult Career Center BudgetedCommittedBalance% Obligated Brunswick$193,642.00$152,431.33$41, % Hinesville$109,640.00$85,907.80$23, % Kings Bay$287,002.00$323,755.56($36,753.56) 113% Savannah$158,482.00$121,015.39$37, % Statesboro$111,770.00$74,619.87$37, % Totals$860,536.00$757,729.95$102, % Current as of 01/17/2012
Career Center Budgets - DW Career Center BudgetedCommittedBalance% Obligated Brunswick$179,158.00$154,365.40$24, % Hinesville$145,078.00$143,399.21$1, % Kings Bay$214,956.00$193,737.65$21, % Savannah$358,036.00$242,474.45$115, % Statesboro$231,180.00$200,470.59$30, % Totals$1,128,408.00$934,447.12$193, % Current as of 01/17/2012
Funding Summary December-11 FundingPYGrant AwardExpendedBalance Obligations* & EncumbrancesProjected BalanceProjected Expended AdultPY11 1,130, , , , ,84966% PY10 1,083,073 1,030,546 52,527 (0)100% Total Adult 2,213,794 1,213,376 1,000, , ,849 DWPY11 1,322, ,011 1,105, , ,92670% PY10 1,191,699 1,126,594 65,105 (0)100% Total DW 2,514,329 1,343,605 1,170, , ,926 YouthPY11 1,317, , , , ,18591% PY10 1,252, % Total Youth 2,569,576 1,754, , , ,185 Obligations are contract balances and open ITA training vouchers. Encumbrances are based on the projected CWS overhead and the ITA balances less an allowance for ITA shrinkage.
PY10 Through February 2011 Overhead Expenditures CategoryBudgetExpended% Expended Employee$551,024$238, % Business$191,030$53, % Building$24,700$8, % Common Charges$99,856$32, % Travel/Training$29,500$9, % Communications$10,788$3, % Total$906,898$345, %
Consent Agenda Items Minutes from November 17 Meeting Financial Reports for November and December
Introduction Assistant Director Office reconfiguration New member orientations (Chatham – Feb PM) SETA Conference GDOL/GOWD transition Meal plan question at CCGA By-Law Revision for quorums
By-Law Modification to address Quorums Existing By-Law 2.9 Quorum, Voting: A majority of the LWIB members shall constitute a quorum. Board members only are allowed to vote. Proposed modification 2.9 Quorum, Voting: A majority of LWIB members shall constitute a quorum for both the Executive Committee and LWIB meetings. Those LWIB members physically present at the announced meeting location shall constitute a quorum for an ad hoc or Youth Council meeting. For all LWIB, Executive Committee, and ad hoc committee meetings, Board members only are allowed to vote. All duly appointed Youth Council members are allowed to vote on issues brought before the Youth Council.
Committee Reports Attendance Policy Review ▫Policy ready for review ▫Letters ready for review ▫Recommend approval to CWIB
Committee Reports Economic and Workforce Alignment ▫January meeting cancelled ▫Eligible providers/programs pending from cancelled December meeting ▫Collaboration with Step-Up ▫Next meeting Tuesday, March 6
Committee Reports Outreach Committee ▫No meeting held ▫Next scheduled meeting – Friday, February 24
Committee Reports Partnership Building ▫Met January 10 ▫Effingham One-Stop Update ▫2012 Retreat Planning ▫Participant Surveys ▫Next Scheduled Meeting Tuesday, March 13
Committee Reports Youth Council ▫Met on January 13 ▫Youth events ▫Subcommittee discussion ▫Next scheduled meeting – Friday, March 9
Comments Board Chair Other Executive Committee members