Mock Take Over Proposal Of CATERPILLAR By EDWIN JOVIT I 14MBA1072
Objective Projection of Balance Sheet. Projection of Profit and loss account. To Project Cash flow, Fund flow statement. Evaluation of Mock valuation Disclaimer: This report was made only for internal assignment purpose in VIT Chennai by MBA students. Some values are modified. I am not liable to the company if any loss has occurred in this report.
Fixed Investment Cost Increase in working capital depicts that company’s business has increased
Operational Cost Increase in operating expense means that company is spending more on wages, establishing factory at site. Reason for decrease in Gross profit from operation Is that company focus on execution, slow down in execution of project due to downfall of market and thus their market share downfall
Projected Profit & Loss A/c
Projected Balance Sheet
Brief about Cash flow & Fund flow statement
Summary Sheet
ASSUMPTIONS Plant and Machinery value is Cr ( Cr) Equity share capital value is 23.62B (25.97B) Long term loan value is B (26.34 B) Raw material cost value is Cr Labour cost value is Equated through assumptions from : 3000 Total Revenue :x Then by getting value from balance sheet and finding its mid value and applying it in the given column.