Daily Learning Goal: I can create Cornell Notes to outline a section of text about the purpose and classification of governments Cornell Notes Style: Read p.8 “Purpose of Government” to p.16 (End of Ch. 1, Section 2) Questions/vocab Responses – bullet points are fine, definitions also work 1. Outline the six purposes of government. 2. Answer 4 questions from text on Locke’s Second Treatise 3. Outline main ideas from: Forms of Government Forms of Government Geographic Distribution of Power Geographic Distribution of Power Relationship between Legislative and Executive Branches Relationship between Legislative and Executive Branches
Purpose and Organization of Governments Warm up – Independent work, notes ok, NO books. 10 minutes: 1.What are the 6 purposes of U.S. government? Write a sentence to explain each. 2.According to Locke, why do we need governments? 3.According to Locke, how are governments created and what trade-off does this involve? 4.What are the two types of democracy? What is the main difference between the types? 5.What type of Geographic Distribution of Government does the United States have? 6.What is the relationship between executive and legislative powers in the United States?
The Purpose of Government Form a more perfect union Establish Justice o The law, in both its content and its administration, must be reasonable, fair and impartial. Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty “The god who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time” – T. Jefferson “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety” – B. Franklin “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” – T. Jefferson
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government 1.“Natural Rights” A.Life B.Liberty C.Property 2.Social Contract A.People consent to a government that will help protect these natural rights. B.People exchange some freedom’s in order to give a governing body the ability to protect these natural rights. What are examples of this exchange in the social contract?
Classifying Governments – who participates? Democracy Political authority rests with the people Direct Democracy – people make decisions themselves. Limited to local. (Town hall, city council meetings, citizen ballot initiatives) Representative Democracy Republicanism – Citizens elect delegates to serve on their behalf. These people make decisions on their behalf and are held accountable by voters.. Election of Authoritative leaders does not make a representative democracy Dictatorship Political authority rests in the hands of a single (small) group (oligarchy) or person (autocracy). Unchallengeable authority – Monism Power extends to all areas of human concern If elections, outcomes are ‘controlled.’
Geographic Distribution of Power Unitary Government (Centralized) Federal Government Confederate Government Power held by a single, central agency. Local governments are created by and report to central government Great Britain Powers are divided between central and local governments United States: Federal Gov. State Gov. Local Gov. Alliance of independent governments Agreement that is beneficial but does not take power from local government Confederate States European Union
Relationship between Branches Presidential Government Separation of the powers and actions of branches Branches act directly on people through on sets of regulations Parliamentary Government Power to execute laws comes from the head of the legislative branch Chief Executive controls legislative branch as well as execution. All members are elected by people, legislative branch chooses executive. Legislative Branch: Law-making Executive Branch: Chief Executor of Laws Legislative Branch: Law-making Executive Branch: Chief Executor of Laws