Lesson Plan – Containers Mental and Oral Starter Show pupils the pictures of the containers. Ask them to write down on their mini whiteboards and facts that they would be able to tell you if they were able to measure the containers. Main Activity In their groups pupils to select different containers to work on, they should measure the dimensions using rulers of tape measures and calculate surface area and volume. They should show all their working out using boxing up. Plenary Pupils to reflect on the success criteria for the Habits of Mind and Maths Objectives Objectives and Habits of Mind Level 4 - To accurately measure the length, width and height of containers to the nearest mm. Level 5– To find the area of a rectangular face. Level 6 – To find the surface area and volume of cuboids. Level 7- To find the surface area and volume of cylinders and triangular prisms. I can work well in a group, listening attentively and taking on different roles when needed. I can negotiate and follow ground rules, to ensure fairness and cooperation when working with others. I can identify the best information to help complete a task and put it into my own words. Keywords: Area, Base, Height, Formula Surface Area, Volume
LO Investigating Containers.RAG Key Words: Dimension, Surface Area, Volume, Net 3-Mar-16 Starter Activity Here are some pictures of different containers. If you were able to measure them what facts would you be able to tell me?
Level4567 /8 Shape Space Measure I can accurately measure the length, width and height of containers to the nearest mm. I can find the surface area of a cube I can find the surface area of a cuboid. I can calculate volumes and surface area of cylinders. Today we are learning I am starting the lesson on level _____________________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to _____________________
Habits of Mind Learning Outcomes To work well in a group, listening attentively and taking on different roles when needed. I can negotiate and follow ground rules, to ensure fairness and cooperation when working with others.
Today’s Task……… In your groups Select a container Measure the dimensions Calculate the Surface area Calculate the Volume
To find the surface area of my container (…………….) which is a cuboid / cylinder / triangular prism I will need to measure the dimensions. I will need to calculate the area of each face. Working out Answer in cm 2 To find the volume of my container (…………….) which is a cuboid / cylinder / triangular prism I will need to find the area of the cross section. Working out Answer in cm 3