Welcome! International conference TIMEWELL HILTON Dresden Hotel 18 September 2009
Integration of innovative modules developed in TIMEWELL into vocational and further education Christian Klepper IBB Dresden GmbH
I. Contents of TIMEWELL are integrated in education at IBB Dresden GmbH: theoretical and primarily practical contents have been transfered
II. Theoretical educational offers: 1.anatomy 2.physiology 3.training theory 4.kinetics 5.dietetics
III. Practical training offers: 1.Fitness – Training 2.Nordic Walking 3.Beachvolleyball / Badminton 4.Aqua-Fitness and swimming 5.Running 6.Climbing ( indoor / outdoor )
IV. Fields of action: 1.Vocational education e.g. Sports and Fitnessmanagement 2.Training e.g. European Wellnessbeautician 3.Elemantary school 4.Prevention courses on the open market (e.g. companies / health insurances) 5.Specific trainings for trainers and course instructors
V. Premises for Lifelong Learning: 1. motivation through success 2. fact based knowledge through theoretical background 3. versatility and fun 4. surrounding for enhanced learning (e.g. family, friends, school)
VI. Concrete activity offers for IBB students influenced by TIMEWELL: 1. Beach-Volleyball-Cup 2. Mountainbike tour (35 km) 3. Dresden Marathon 4. Volleyball tournament 5. St. Nicholas run(1,2 km)
Thank you for your attention!