International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 1 Agenda Item 5 : (a) Data collection, associated data treatments.


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Presentation transcript:

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 1 Agenda Item 5 : (a) Data collection, associated data treatments and data processing Document: WG-E(6) Prioritisation process: Monitoring-based ranking B.FRIBOURG-BLANC, IOW

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 2 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive The main steps The data collection The data gathering and preparation The calculations The factsheets

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 3 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Data collection 2008 and 2009 A strictly defined template with 22 mandatory fields Flexibility introduced on 8 fields (longitude/latitude, LoD/LoQ, type of station, date of sampling, biota species, laboratory name) A flexible data collection tool, and detailed documentation for non experts, to: - minimise reporting burden: except on some validity checks, any fraction, any unit, any substance even with missing mandatory fields is accepted - allow decentralised distribution of the tool (experienced by RO) - maximise quantity of data collected Interaction between data provider and consultant for correction of missing fields and coherence

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 4 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 5 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Preliminary data checks and treatment Elimination of:  Monitoring on groundwater and on marine water stations  data measured before year 2000  non relevant parameters (e.g. P(tot), Nitrates, etc.)  datasets for which neither LOD nor LOQ was provided (except if >LoQ)  Insufficient precision of matrix or fraction (all ”other”) Correction of:  missing LoD/LoQ, fraction, inconsistencies…  station location if missing  substance name (in national language) or CAS code if detected wrong  unit (in national language)  fraction when it can be gathered with existing fractions  date of sampling or date of analysis format or when one is missing

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 6 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Central Database creation A central database similar to the End User tool (Station, Sampling, Analysis) –structured database –on-line management tools for import of datasets –Maintenance tools for storing and saving All individual files imported (more than 50 files, up to 40 GBytes) Correction –for missing CAS N°, wrong names, doublets –Harmonisation of names for 150 substances (PCBs, dioxins…) –Harmonisation of fractions for 31 fractions

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 7 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Source: GIS layer : Official WFD Districts Summary situation: database content (5 July 09) - Data Surface water - 26 Member States + CH and NO - almost stations -4 water body types sampling - 14,6 million analyses substances or groups (Tin compounds)

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 8 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Calculation steps: Identification of the manageable list of substances Summary statistics are calculated for each substance

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 9 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Central Database Preparation Harmonisation of the measurement units –About 130 units on the 1130 substances provided and 102 units on 21 Tin compounds –Final unit defined, Water: µg/l, Sediment: µg/kg dw, Biota: µg/kg ww –Specific case of Tin compounds: Water: µg Sn+/l, Sediment: µg Sn+/kg dw, Biota: µg Sn+/kg ww –Discard of measures on lipid weight (24 substances, 1612 analyses) Values below the detection limits (LoD or LoQ) often provided, transformation needed: –if <=LoD, value=LoD/2 –if <=LoQ, value=LoQ/2 Identification of high determination limits, discard 99th percentile DL

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 10 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 11 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Calculation steps: Calculation of PECs, general case Grouping of the fractions - organic substances on Whole water with + without separation of the two phases - metals on Whole water with + without separation of the two phases - metals on dissolved phase of water - all substances on sediment fraction below 2mm - all substances on sediment fraction below 63µm - all substances on sediment fraction below 20µm - all substances on Fish - all substances on Invertebrates Discard of organic substances on dissolved phase Calculation of statistics: - Total number of countries and RBDs providing analyses, - Total number of stations and number of stations for which at least one analysis is above DL, - Total number of analyses, number of analyses above DL and maximum of the analyses above DL, - 90th percentile of the means of all analyses above DL (PEC1) - 90th percentile of the means of all analyses on each station (PEC2)

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 12 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Calculation steps: Calculation of PECs for sum of PCBs and sum of dioxins/furans/PCB dioxin-like Extraction of all PCB, furans and dioxins Conversion of values less than: - if <= LoD or <= LoQ : =0 - if >LoD and no LoQ and <3xLoD: =0 Extraction of quantified PCB dioxin-like, furans and dioxins - Conversion of units: Water: µgTEQ /l, Sediment: µg TEQ/kg dw and Biota: µg TEQ/kg ww Sum of analyses values of dioxins by station and sampling Extraction of quantified PCBs Sum of analyses values of PCBs by station and sampling Calculation of statistics

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 13 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Calculation steps: Identification of analyses < DL based on PNEC For all analyses not quantified, i.e. <=LoD or <=LoQ –Identification of analysis matrix –comparison of DL with PNEC: »if DL> 2 x PNEC: analysis is identified Calculation of statistics on number and % identified (from 0 to 100% of analyses)

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 14 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Calculation steps: Calculation of ‘a-posteriori’ PECs Discard of not quantified analyses where DL> 2 x PNEC Calculation of statistics: - Total number of countries and RBDs providing analyses, - Total number of stations and number of stations for which at least one analysis is above DL, - Total number of analyses, number of analyses above DL and maximum of the analyses above DL, - 90th percentile of the means of all analyses above DL (PEC1) - 90th percentile of the means of all analyses on each station (PEC2) Comparison with previous results

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 15 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Factsheets: Summary information available Factsheets: summary information for each of the 1151 substances Website available at (last update 5/07/09) : Password: visitor One factsheet per substance with summary statistics By country By Waterbody Distribution of concentration by fraction and along DLs Number of analyses by year and country Map of all stations For each factsheet a downloadable pdf file A section “download” with reports made of various selections of factsheets zip file of all factsheets

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 16 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Factsheets: website extracts Screens of Factsheets + download page

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 17 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Conclusions and perspectives A data collection process implemented in 26 MS and NO and CH and repeated in some countries, A big Central database with the most recent monitoring data on 1151 substances, A first set of statistical calculations implemented, A promising dataset, useful for future activities on EQS…

International Office for Water B. Fribourg-Blanc, WG-E (6), Brussels, 6/7/2009 slide 18 Implementation of requirements on Priority substances within the Context of the Water Framework Directive Thanks for your attention…