Discovering Past Climates 9.1
Paleoclimatology paleoclimatologists study past climate weather records only go back a few hundred years; to look at older data, special tools are used… Image from: Cool website…this page explains what paleoclimatology does.
Tree Rings dark wood in summer, light wood in spring thin rings in dry & hot conditons; thick rings in wet & cool conditions can show evidence of floods, droughts, insect attacks, lightning strikes, etc. Image from:
Megadrought Image from: Narrow rings from 1560’s-1590’s indicate megadrought
Hurricanes Strengthening? Image from:
Ice Cores examining layers of snow & ice that can date back to 800 000 years ago Have a look at this video about ice cores taken in the British Antarctic Survey Video link: Images from Greenland drilling:
What is in the ice? Type of particles give clues about events that happened as well as vegetation Physical characteristics of the ice indicate temperature & humidity conditions when the ice was formed Composition of trapped air bubbles show atmospheric conditions when ice was formed Image from:
Composition of Ice concentrations of isotopes (oxygen-16 and oxygen-18) in water indicate temperature at time of ice formation more 18O indicates higher temperatures Image from:
Sedimentary Rock formed by yearly deposits of rock fragments…accumulate in thick layers on ocean floors & become compressed and hardened over many years Image from:
Core Samples pollen can indicate vegetation & climate composition of shells (isotopes) can determine temperature fossils determine which living organisms were present & this indicates specific climate conditions Image from:
Varves annual sedimentary deposits in glacial lakes light (summer) & dark (winter) layers Image from:
Final Words… NOAA Paleoclimatology Data page…if you’re interested! video of a NOAA paleoclimatologist, explaining what kinds of data can be collected (including coral samples) Link: Video link: