Safe Schools Infinite Campus Interchange Windy L. Newton Office of Next Generation Schools & Districts, Division of Student Success
Requirements O Resolutions mapped to the state code of SSP7: Restraint and SSP8: Seclusion have been added to the data standards and reporting for Safe Schools. O Data collection of Restraint and Seclusion custom tab must be completed for any incident resulting in Restraint or Seclusion
Requirements for inclusion in Safe Schools Reporting Incidents with law or board violation selection from one of the following categories: O Assault or Violence O Guns or other weapons O Controlled substances (including alcohol or tobacco) O Bullying or Harassment Incidents with state resolutions of one of the following: O Expulsion, with services – SSP1 O Expulsion, without services – SSP2 O Out of School Suspension – SSP3 O In School Removal – INSR O Restraint – SSP7 O Seclusion – SSP8
Data Standards A list of the select law and board violations can be found in the Safe Schools Data Standards on the KDE Safe Schools website.KDE Safe Schools website The data standards provide users with details as to what data must be entered into IC for safe schools reporting purposes. Descriptions and screenshots are part of the document.
Communication O KDE’s primary point of contact for Safe Schools data collection is the Safe Schools Coordinator for the district. O All notifications sent to Safe Schools Coordinators are also sent to the KSIS Point of Contact O It is the district’s Safe Schools Coordinator’s responsibility to communicate important notifications regarding data entry and standards to the school users in their districts.
What is the data used for? O The data is reported to the Kentucky Center for School Safety O The Office of Education Accountability O Legislative requests O U.S. Department of Education O School Report Card > Learning Environment tab > Safety Tab
School Report Card O This data will be reported on your district and school report cards via open house for O The data is populated currently for each school O It is very important that schools and districts verify their data during the verification window for Safe Schools reporting and during the verification window for School Report Card
Corporal Punishment O If your district does not implement Corporal Punishment according to board policy, the resolution code should be end dated via Behavior > Admin > Resolution Types This will prevent users from selecting as a resolution in error.
Multiple Resolutions O Scenario 1: O Student receives a resolution of In-School Removal O During serving of INSR, student receives an Out-of-School suspension before INSR has ended O INSR resolution must be end dated or end timed prior to the start of the SSP3
State Resolutions O Require a selection of a law or board violation on the event detail O Require a start date and time O Require an end date and time
Restraint and Seclusion Resolution ID Why is this important? O This is the primary data element that will connect the data entered on the Restraint/Seclusion tab to the data entered on the Behavior Detail O The student level custom report will not generate if the IDs do not match O The data required according to regulation cannot be captured by KDE
Restraint and Seclusion Resolution ID O The resolution ID field on the Restraint and Seclusion tab must be manually entered Where do I find it? O The resolution ID is an auto-generated number assigned to a resolution when saved in the Behavior Management Tool O Within the student’s Behavior Tab, click on the hyperlink to the appropriate incident (this will open the incident detail)
O Click on the ID hyperlink within Incident Detail O This will open up the incident within the Behavior Management Tool, the Resolution ID will be found within the Event and Participant section of the Incident O Enter this resolution ID on the Restraint and Seclusion Tab in the Resolution ID field
Recorded WebEx Session O KDE has developed and posted a recorded WebEx session detailing the steps described in the previous slide. O This can be found on KDE’s Safe Schools Data Collection and Reporting website.KDE’s Safe Schools Data Collection and Reporting website
Safe Schools Extract O The Safe Schools Extract is located via KY State Reporting | Safe Schools O The validation report should be ran monthly and distributed to schools for clean up of error/warnings prior to the end of the school year
Validation Checks O Errors – Indicate problematic data that will NOT pull on the report O Warnings – Indicate problematic data that WILL pull on the report Districts should work throughout the school year to clean up errors and warnings.
O Error 1: Resolutions – Missing Start/End Dates and/or Start/End Times This error will be appear anytime a student has a state resolution w/o a resolution start/end date and/or start/end time. There are no known issues with this error and validation has been put in place in which users can no longer save a state resolution record without this data.
O Error 2: State Resolutions without a Law or Board Violation Selected This error will appear any time a student has a State Resolution without a selection of a Law or Board violation within the Event Detail There are no known issues with this error and validation has been put in place in which users can no longer save a state resolution record without a law or board violation selected. Select appropriate law or board violation
O Error 3: Events without a Participant This error will be appear anytime an event with a qualifying Law or Board violation does not have participant selected. To resolve this issue, find behavior incident Add participant, if applicable, otherwise the incident should be deleted.
O Error 4: Student Behavior Incident Date is not within Enrollment This error will appear for any student offender with a qualifying behavior incident date outside the student’s enrollment dates. To resolve this issue, verify incident date as compared to enrollment start/end dates. If this is a non-reported incident, such as, attendance letter for documentation purposes, the error can be disregarded. A future update will change the logic of this error to compare the incident date to any district enrollment, not just the current school enrollment.
O Warning 1: Out of School Suspension/attendance dates and/or times Inconsistent This warning will appear for students who received a state resolution of SSP3 and the start/end date/times of the behavior resolution are not consistent with the check-in/out date/time within the student’s attendance. NOTE: the Suspension/Attendance Linkage report will assist.
O Warning 2: Missing Demographic Data This warning will appear for students who are missing one or more of the following demographic fields: State Student ID First Name Gender This error should really never occur, if it does a ticket with IC Support should be open to resolve the demographic issue. This warning will be removed in a future release.
O Warning 3: Student Behavior Resolution Date not within Enrollment This warning will appear for students who have a behavior resolution start/end date outside of the enrollment start/end dates. For validation purposes, users should verify the dates of the resolution are within the dates of an enrollment record. A future update will change the logic of this error to compare the incident date to any district enrollment, not just the current school enrollment.
O Warning 4: Overlapping State Resolution Start Date/Time and or End Date/Time This warning will appear anytime a student has two or more state resolutions (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP5, INSR) which overlap by any span of dates or times. To resolve this issue, open the behavior records and adjust the dates/times so they do not overlap with another state resolution record. NOTE: most of these incidents involve an INSR and an SSP3 record. The SSP3 cannot start before the INSR has ended.
Things to know! O Begin cleaning up your errors/warnings NOW… O Once data exported in Excel, separate by school and send to your building principals for verification O This data is reported publically via the School Report Card
Timeline O May 1 st – Official district verification window opens O June 30 th - District verification window closes O June 30 th – Superintendent verification due to KDE O July 1 st - KDE will extract data from IC state data warehouse O July 15 th (tentative) – District and school level data will be available for viewing in the School Report Card Data Collection tool O July 31 st - School Report Card verification of behavior data ends (note: two weeks after availability in SRC) O August 30 th – Data provided to KCSS and OEA as mandated by KRS O End of September – Public release of School Report Card
Questions O Infinite Campus Behavior questions, contact O Behavior Programmatic questions, contact O Restraint and Seclusion Programmatic questions, contact