Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 WORKSHOP 5 TVET and HE modernization in Romania through Phare projects: challenges for building human capital in a changing society - REPORT - Gabriela Ciobanu – Head of unit NCTVETD-PIU
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Workshop objectives To present developments in the Romanian TVET and HE systems based on the national priorities and European recommendations, as defined by the EC work programme “Education and Training 2010”, during October 2008 – March To define corrective measures, if the case, and next steps for the main areas of action: –national qualifications framework –quality assurance strategies –TVET and HE contribution to regional development To contribute to the enhancement of cooperation between all actors involved, in view of improving education and training system permeability through better articulation between TVET and HE (LLL perspective).
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Presentations 1.Opportunities and challenges offered by Phare TVET projects for human capital development in Romania, Zoica Vlăduţ - NCTVETD/PIU 2.Steps towards a quality culture - good practice example of a TVET school, Adriana Trifu - TVET College Gh.l Airinei, Bucharest 3.Competence-based in HE facing labour market challenges and expectations, Margareta Ivan - RAQHE 4.Quality assurance in HE, challenges and answers, Mihai Floroiu - RAQAHE 5.Educational offer planning contribution of TVET and HE to graduates employability increase and regional/ local development, Tibor Kelemen- Regional Consortium Central region 6.Distance education, an alternative for continuous human capital development, Lucian Goagă - NCTVETD/PIU
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Conclusions (1) Main achievements Progresses in NQF development: –Methodologies for elaboration and revision of occupational standards and qualifications for CVT –Methodology for development and updating the National Register for Qualifications –Methodology for development of qualifications framework for HE –Learning outcomes based qualifications for IVET developed Increased transparency of the TVET schools management through public communication means; TVET teachers trained for ensuring the quality of the competence based assessment;
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Conclusions (2) Main achievements Operational network of universities for the exchange of good practices and cooperation in QA; Improved mechanisms for strategic planning of education and training offer: –Methodology for tracer studies in TVET and HE –Methodology for monitoring the implementation of REAPs, LEAPs, SAPs Premises for provision of distance education in TVET: –ODL strategy developed –National network of TVET support centres established –TVET teachers trained to develop learning materials for ODL –Infrastructure for providing e-learning in place
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Conclusions Credit transfer system in education and training not yet operational (no credits in CVT training programmes); There is still a gap between assisted TVET schools and the non-assisted ones in terms of quality of training; There is still a need for a better articulation between TVET and HE; To finalise the NQF in order to ensure an effective credit transfer system in education and training; To increase the efficiency of the TVET schools networks for inter-institutional assistance; To promote measures enabling: –Modularization of HE programmes –Recognition of prior learning when entering into HE Recommendations
Project financed under Phare program MERI NCTVETD International Conference Phare Project TVET RO 2006/ , 6 -7 March 2009 Other recommendations To finalise the benchmarking methodology for TVET schools in view of promoting excellence in TVET; To consolidate the networks/partnerships between TVET schools, universities, CVT providers and social partners for ensuring: –a better employability and a higher responsiveness of educational and training provision –an increased contribution to the regional development To continue the development of alternative forms of education and training for a better adaptation of education and training to the individuals and employers needs; To continue networking and cooperation in the SEE region with Member States and partners countries.