911 By Hunter Cassidy
O I am a witness of the September 11 attacks O And this is my story.
O It was September the 11 th I was walking along the street then suddenly a plane flew low in towards the twin towers. Everyone started freaking out then it hit the left tower.
O Everyone including me was scared. I was running away I didn’t know where, I was just running I wanted to be anywhere but here some people started videoing it.
O Once I was further away I watched it start to crumble as we were watching it about an hour later a second plane smashed into the right tower.
O As we spoke the first tower started falling. I suddenly realized that I was to close and I started running for my life as the tower came plummeting down to the streets.
O Then the whole street was swallowed by a growing dust cloud. I heard people screaming.
O There were people jumping out the windows and people screaming for help.
O After 10 minutes I saw the flashing lights of fire trucks coming towards us then they rushed into the right building.
O After about 30 minutes some fireman came back out exhausted and with a small amount of people.
O Then suddenly the right tower fell. It was devastating everyone was running for their lives. There were still fireman in the building. I started running as far as I could.
O After it was over I realized how bad it was. There was nothing left it was just a pile of dust and rubble. There were nearly 3,000 people killed in the September 11 attacks.
bibliography O _attacks