What is Guided Reading? Highly effective form of reading instruction. Students are taught at their specific instructional level in a small group setting. Teachers tailor instruction to focus on skills specific to the students’ needs. Students are continually monitored for progress throughout the year.
How we determine the level/what the levels mean At the beginning of the year, students are assessed using the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system. The teacher determines three levels of reading competency. An independent level An instruction level A frustration level
How you can help at home The secret to becoming a better reader is to read, read, read! Be sure that your child reads every day! If your child struggles with reading accuracy: play word and sound games review high frequency words read familiar texts If your child struggles with comprehension: Discuss what he or she has read making predictions making connections with the reading
For more detailed information on how you can support your child’s reading, pick up a brochure for his or her specific reading level from the front office.