JAMES Push the Limits Live What You Believe Quashing Quarrels James 4:1-4.


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Presentation transcript:

JAMES Push the Limits Live What You Believe Quashing Quarrels James 4:1-4

Simon & Chana Taub

Discussion Guide 1.According to (James 4:1-3) what were the causes of quarrels among the believers? a. Selfish desires b. Coveting and lusting after what others have c. Praying with wrong motives d. Asking God to fulfill selfish desires

Discussion Guide 2.What does the Greek word “Hedone” mean in verses 1 and 3? It is the root of the word hedonism and it means pleasure.

Discussion Guide 3.Is the pursuit of pleasure an addiction in our society? In the church?

Discussion Guide 4.Contrast the two paths of life in the following chart: The Path of PleasureThe Path of Wisdom (James 1:8-12) Worldly riches fade (James 1:20-23) Put away worldly things and live the Word (James 1:16-19) No room for selfishness all is from God

Discussion Guide 5.Why do prayers go unanswered according to the following verses? a. (James 4:2)Do not ask God b. (James 4:3)Ask with selfish motives

Discussion Guide 6.What is the significance of incorporating the spirit of the phrase “not my will but your will be done” in your prayer life? This helps us pray with proper motives and to seek God’s will not selfish ambition.

Discussion Guide 7.In our relationship to Christ how is a pleasure- loving, hedonistic lifestyle similar to adultery? (v. 4) You cannot be in love with the world and in love with Christ.

Discussion Guide 8.What in the world are you addicted to?

Discussion Guide 9.How can you eliminate these desires from your life?

Discussion Guide 10.How will a right relationship to God affect your relationship to His children?

Discussion Guide 11.Is there any relationship in which you need to make things right this week?

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