Cells The cell is the basic unit of structure & function of ALL livings things. A cell is microscopic is size.
Cell Membrane ALL cells are surrounded by the cell membrane. Also called a plasma membrane. Semi-permeable Made of protein & lipids arranged in a double layer…
Nucleus The MOST important organelle! 2 vital functions To control the activities of the cell To promote cell division
Nuclear Membrane The nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus and separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
Cytoplasm The liquid environment of the cell. The cytoplasm contains the organelles of the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum This is a fine network of tubular structures. Main purpose is TRANSPORTATION! Two types Smooth Rough- contains proteins
Mitochondria Most of the cell’s energy comes from the “MIGHTY” mitochondria The “MIGHTY” mitochondria converts stored energy into ATP
Golgi Apparatus Looks like a stack of pancakes Main purpose is storing & packaging “garbage”
Lysosomes “Suicide Bags”, EATERS, urrghhh Lysis- Lysol ??????? Helps to digest old, worn out cells