PHENIX FUTURE PLANS & UPGRADES Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, Users’ Meeting 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

PHENIX FUTURE PLANS & UPGRADES Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, Users’ Meeting 2009

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 3 HBD

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 4 HBD VTX

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 5 HBD VTX FVTX

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 6 HBD VTX FVTX FOCAL ?

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 7 HBD VTX FVTX FOCAL MuTr FEE ? 2009/10

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 8 HBD VTX FVTX FOCAL MuTr FEE RPC ? 2009/ /11

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 9 HBD VTX FVTX FOCAL MuTr FEE RPC Pb absorber ? 2009/ /11

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 10 Muon tracking VTX & FVTX MPC rapidity  coverage 2  EMC FOCAL tracking MuTrig

Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 11  Windowless Cerenkov detector with CF4 avalanche/radiator gas (2 cm pads) signal electron Cherenkov blobs partner positron needed for rejection e+e+ e-e-  pair opening angle ~ 1 m  Designed for low-mass dileptons in A+A  Removes Dalitz and conversion pairs (small opening angle)  Comissioned in Run-9 p+p CsI photocathode covering triple GEMs

HBD Physics Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 12  Study electron continuum in low M ee region  Measure in medium- modifications of   Chiral symmetry restoration  Measure temperature (internal conversion of direct photons) arXiv:

HBD Performance Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 13 Clear separation of signal and background Suppression of background pairs increases effective statistics by factor 8-16  Taking data in Runs 9, 10  Will be replaced by VTX after Run-10 ~40 pe ~20 pe few pe hadron blind background (Dalitz, conversion): 40 photo-electrons signal (separated electrons): 40 photo-electrons Measured in Run-9

Silicon Vertex (VTX & FVTX) Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe  VTX: silicon VerTeX barrel tracker  Fine granularity, low occupancy 50  m×425  m pixels for L1 and L2 R1=2.5cm and R2=5cm  Stripixel detector for L3 and L4 80  m×1000  m pixel pitch R3=10cm and R4=14cm  Large acceptance |  |<1.2, almost 2  in  plane  Standalone tracking  FVTX: Forward silicon VerTeX tracker  2 endcaps with 4 disks each  pixel pad structure (75  m x 2.8 to 11.2 mm) FVTX endcaps 1.2<|  |<2.7 mini strips VTX barrel |  |<1.2

VTX Physics Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 15  Heavy Flavor as probe of dense partonic matter in A+A  R AA (p T ) of single electron from charm decay and beauty decay separately  v 2 (p T ) of single electron from charm decay and beauty decay separately  Jet tomography (di-hadron,  - hadron, and c-hadron correlation)  Gluon polarization  G(x) in polarized p+p  Double spin asymmetry A LL of heavy flavor production (charm and beauty, separately)  A LL of  -jet PRL 98, (2007)

VTX Performance Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 16  Strong suppression of single electrons from heavy flavor is one of most surprising results  Present measurement is mixture of b and c  VTX can separate b and c Expected with VTX (0.4/nb ~3 weeks in RUN11)

VTX Progress Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 17 Pixel Detector Ladder Strip Detector Ladder Strip read-out Pixel read-out Test Beam at FNAL Installation in 2010 Successful DOE review this week

FVTX Physics & Schedule Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 18  adding high resolution tracking points for muons ahead of the hadron absorber  utilized together with muon arm tracks  quarkonium spectroscopy to probe color screening in medium  Single muons  Background suppression for direct photons in FOCAL  Installation for Run-12 Without FVTX With FVTX Prototype DAQ Electronics

The W Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 19 Energy v.s. Inclination of the track W candidates, PHENIX Run-9, GeV  W program has started  Central arm ready for W measurement at mid- rapidity  Backward/forward measurement needs upgrade

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 20

MuID - only existing trigger - no momentum selectivity.. MuTr FEE Upgrade (MuTRG) Install RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber) Install additional Pb absorber 21 Rapidity: 1.2 <  <2.2 (2.4) RPC B Basic Idea: Measure Δ strip in online level -> more momentum selective trigger Muon Trigger Animation by Ken’ichi Karatsu

MuTrig Status  MuTr.N operational for Run-9  Good efficiency Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 22 From collision or out going beam From beam background  Engineering run for sectors in 2 RPC planes on south arm  Timing resolution helped understand background already now

Muon Trigger Physics: W Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 23  W parity violating  Single (longitudinal) spin asymmetry  W selects (anti-)quarks with negative (positive) helicity in polarized beam  Lepton rapidity determined by x of valence and sea quark as well as helicity of neutrino  Polarization of sea quarks

W sensitivity Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 24 Central Arms: ready for W measurement Muon Arms: trigger upgrade is ongoing  will be ready for next 500 GeV run ( l - pT>20 GeV) ( l + pT>20 GeV)

FOrward CALorimeter (FOCAL) Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 25  Tungsten absorber with silicon pad readout  1<  <3  2  azimuth  24 X 0 deep  3 layers pad readout for lateral and longitudinal shower profile  Reject hadronic background  Si strips within first X 0 for  /  0 ID 17 cm 6cm 85 cm

FOCAL Physics Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 26  Trigger on neutral pions and photons  Provide coincidence measurements with central arm  Constrain kinematics (x)  p+p  Low x gluons  Transverse spin physics  d+Au  Gluon saturation in nucleus  Pin down initial state in HI collisions  Au+Au   -jet pA physics – nuclear gluon pdf Geant simulation 20 GeV  0

FOCAL Status  R&D ongoing Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 27 Test beam

DAQTRIG2010 Upgrade  Currently  DAQ 5kHz bandwidth  Up to Run-7, PHENIX able to record every Au+Au mbias event (in Run-7: 80% of 7 kHz)  In p+p, Lvl1 triggers reduce kHz rate to 6kHz of useful events   PHENIX able to effectively sample full luminosity for all rare channels Users’ Meeting 2009-Stefan Bathe 28  Future  7MHz  2MHz  40kHz Au+Au  Event size *1.7 with Si detectors   Previous trigger strategy won’t work

DAQTRIG2010 Upgrade  Possible solutions  Replace 10-year old EMCal electronics  Medium-scale upgrade to DAQ e.g. upgrade central data switch to 10 Gigabit networking  Various other small upgrades BBC w/ multiple vertex selection MuID Trigger FPGA upgrade VTX integration trigger Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 29

Timeline Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 30 RHICPHENIX RUN9First 500 GeV pp  Trig FEE (half) long 200 GeV pp RUN10stoch. cooling 2  Trig FEE(full)  Trig RPC(South) RUN11EBIS (U+U)VTX  Trig RPC(North) RUN1256 MHz RF FVTX (electron lensing?) RUN13(e cooling AGS?)(Forward Cal?)

Energy Scan  PHENIX seriously looking into low energy running  Low energy task force founded; reported in May  Suggestion to focus at first between full and injection energy  Opportunity to investigate dileptons in new energy regime with HBD Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 31  Physics  How do dilepton excess and  modification at SPS evolve into large low-mass excess at RHIC?  opacity of the produced medium, elliptic flow  onset of perfect liquid properties  Search for critical point  Search for 1 st order phase transition

Beyond the next couple years...  Transverse spin physics to understand nucleon  pA to understand initial state of HI collisions   G with direct  and  -jet in high luminosity 200 GeV p+p (cleaner than  0 )   -h,  -jet in high-luminosity Au+Au to measure modification of fragmentation function ... Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 32

Conclusions Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 33  PHENIX has healthy upgrade program to carry current exciting results to further understanding  Immediate plans (next two years) determined by upgrade installation schedule (HBD, VTX)  Successful physics program relies on sufficient funding for 10 weeks each of HI and Spin running each year  Many opportunities for immediate and long-term future

Users’ Meeting 2009Stefan Bathe 34 HBD VTX FVTX FOCAL MuTr FEE RPC Pb absorber ? 2009/ /