High Renaissance Art
Leonardo Da Vinci, Self Portrait, 1512 CE
Leonardo Da Vinci, Embryo in a Womb, c CE
Leonardo Da Vinci, Virgin of the Rocks, c.1485 CE
Verrocchio, Baptism of Christ,
Verrocchio, Baptism of Christ, ; Detail by Leonardo
Leonardo Da Vinci, Last Supper, c CE
Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c CE
High Renaissance Architecture
Sangallo, Palazzo Farnese, c
Bramante, Tempietto, 1502
Bramante, St. Peters, 1502
Michelangelo, Pieta,
Michelangelo, David,
Michelangelo, Sistine Ceiling,
Michelangelo, Moses,
Raphael, The Madonna in the Meadow,
How can we treat, in small compass, of him whose fame has filled the universe? On the history of Italian art, he stands alone, like Shakespeare in the history of our literature Mrs. Jameson, Memoirs of the Early Italian Painters, 1859
Raphaels greatest paintings seem so effortless that one does not usually connect them with the ideas of hard and relentless work. To many, he is simply the painter of the sweet Madonnas which have become so well known as hardly to be appreciated as paintings anymore…We see cheap reproductions of these works in humble rooms, and we are apt to conclude that paintings with such general appeal must surely be a little obvious. In fact, their apparent simplicity is the fruit of deep thought, careful planning, and immense artistic wisdom Ernst Gombrich (modern critic)
Raphael, Galatea, 1513
Raphael, School of Athens,
Michelangelo, Tomb of Giuliano deMedici,
Michelangelo, Tomb of Giuliano deMedici,
Michelangelo, Tomb of Lorenzo deMedici
Michelangelo, Tomb of Giuliano deMedici,
Michelangelo, Last Judgment,
Michelangelo, Last Judgment,
St. Peters
Michelangelo, St. Peters,