Cooperation among state wildlife agencies with the purpose of protecting and conserving migratory birds in western North America. Involved with annual.


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Presentation transcript:

Cooperation among state wildlife agencies with the purpose of protecting and conserving migratory birds in western North America. Involved with annual process of setting migratory bird policy and regulations within the U.S. Conduct and contribute to migratory bird research and management throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Pacific Flyway Council – director/appointee from state wildlife agency Study Committee (Game) – established in 1952 Nongame Migratory Bird Technical Committee (Non-game; NTC) – established in 2006 USFWS participates Pacific Flyway NTC – Mike Green

DCCO and AWPE monitoring plans Falconry Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act input MBTA Incidental Take Input

FWS and National Flyway Council (Reviewers) Expand role from purely regulatory issues Integrate with other bird programs Develop process for establishing short- and long- term priorities Coordinate within and across Flyways

Improved understanding of roles and responsibilities Consensus on need for communication and coordination Recognition of collaboration for increased effectiveness Building a foundation for establishing priority issues of mutual concern

White Paper Support Letter Recommendations: Nightjar Survey Pacific Shorebird Survey YBCU State Wildlife Grant proposal

Process Recommendations: National Conservation Needs Southern Wings Program Collaboration Mechanism State Data Sharing Assessment AKN Representative Work Plan


6 Conservation Issues 63 Strategies 17 Ranked Effective & Relevant 9 Prioritized Strategies

1. Assessment of Migratory Pathways and Important Stopover Areas 2. Implement Coordinated Monitoring for Short- eared Owls 3. Assessment of Wetland Connectivity 4. Reduce Exposure to, and Secondary Poisoning from, Rodenticides 5. Conduct Monitoring/Research for Riparian- Obligate Species, Primarily for Yellow-billed Cuckoos