AP European History Review Session #3 Isms, esp. Nationalism and Imperialism
Overview Isms –political: liberalism, conservatism, socialism –art: neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, etc. Nationalism –Isms in Practice –Italian unification –German unification Imperialism –causes –locations –end of colonialism in the 20 th century
Isms the Key Questions what are the major artistic movements from the end of the 18 th century to the beginning of the 20 th century? how do changes in art reflect changes in society, politics, and economics? what are the major tenets of classical liberalism, conservatism, and socialism and where do we see examples in 19 th century Europe? what effect did the Industrial Revolution have on art and philosophy?
Political/Economic Isms Classical Liberalism – what are the tenets? –political –economic socialism – tenets, early examples
Art Isms Neo-Classicism Romanticism Realism – reaction to Romanticism, technology (like photography) Impressionism – reaction to new technology random note: don’t forget changes in science (more on this when we talk Imperialism)
Isms in Practice England – the road to a more liberal nation: Whigs and Tories, Corn Laws, Peterloo Massacre, Reform Bills, Chartists, Gladstone and Disraeli, unions, social welfare programs France – a bumpier road to a more liberal nation: Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Phillipe, Revolutions of 1848, 2 nd Republic Napoleon III, foreign adventures 3 rd Republic, Dreyfus Affair, social welfare programs Germany – more conservative, to be sure: Carlsbad Decrees, Revolutions of 1848, Frankfurt Assembly, the crown from the gutter Austria – still more conservative: Metternich, Revolutions of 1848, Dual Monarchy Russia – Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who’s the most conservative of all? Decemberist Revolt Nicholas I, Alexander II and freeing the serfs, industrialization
Italian Unification divided Italy Mazzini and Young Italy Count Cavour Garibaldi and the Red Shirts war as a means to unification the Papal States Italia Irredenta
German Unification precursors to unity: Napoleon and the Confederation of the Rhine, Zollverein, Frankfurt Assembly and the question of Greater or Little Germany Otto von Bismarck and Iron and Blood War! What is it good for? German unification. Say it again! Bismarck’s Empire: Reichstag, Kulturkampf, dismissal by Wilhelm II
Imperialism – Causes the old: 3Gs the new: –markets and materials –missionaries –military bases –ideology
Imperialism – Characteristics types: colonies, protectorates, spheres of influence locations: Africa, Asia
the End of Imperialism India: Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion, Indian National Congress, Gandhi and Nehru, Jinnah and the Muslim League, Partition China: Boxer Rebellion, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek, PRC and Taiwan Indochina: France, Geneva Accords (1954), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam War Middle East: Mandate System, Palestine Israel Africa –Kenya: Mau Mau Uprising, Jomo Kenyatta –South Africa: Apartheid, Nelson Mandela