QUALIFICATIONS Senator-Age 30citizen for 9 years Representative-Age 25citizen for 7 years Both must be residents of their state
BICAMERAL LEGISLATURE Bicameral means two legislative branches The United States Legislature is bicameral Lower House: House of Representatives 435 members Upper House: Senate 100 members
WHAT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS: House of Representatives Apportioned: Distributed based upon population Elections held every two years Senate Two per state Senators are elected every six years, but elections are held every two years
Reapportionment Constitution says seats are to be redistributed in the House each decennial census. However, the country kept growing and so did the house. Passed Reapportionment Act of 1929
SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICTS In the House of Representatives: One representative per Congressional district in any given state Not written in the Constitution Made an official law in 1842 Districts are drawn by state legislatures Gerrymandering: districts drawn to the advantage of the political party that controls the State’s legislature. Utah’s Districts
Sessions Constitution says “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 1st day of December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day” Often appoint a different day. Neither house may end a session without the other ones consent. President has power to end a session if two houses can’t agree when to end.
Session Proceedings Charged with drafting, debating, and sending bills to the President to be signed to Law. Filibuster Parliamentary procedure where a debate over a proposed bill is extended allowing one member to delay or prevent the vote of that bill.
CURRENT LEADERS FROM UTAH RepresentativesSenators Rob BishopOrrin Hatch Mia LoveMike Lee Jason Chaffetz Chris Stewart
WHO IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE? Vice President: Joseph Biden
TO IMPEACH To charge a public official with improper conduct in office Included in the Constitution
HOUSE’S ROLE The House Judiciary Committee debates charges and votes A majority vote sends the charges to the whole House Testimony and evidence The House can officially impeach the public official with a simple majority vote on each charge On to the Senate...
SENATE’S ROLE The official is tried in the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding The Senate hears testimony and evidence while the House acts as the prosecution The Senate debates publicly or privately A 2/3 vote by the Senate equals a conviction Other options: acquittal, case is dropped, censure
IF CONVICTED... The official is removed from office May be prohibited from ever holding office again May be tried in regular courts for crimes that led to impeachment IMPORTANT: An official can be impeached but not be removed from office.
HISTORY OF IMPEACHMENTS 17 impeachments in U.S. history 7 convictions (all federal judges) Two Presidents have been impeached Andrew Johnson One vote short of conviction Bill Clinton