greeneconomy Presentation of Green Career Affinity Group Survey Findings “NFWS Funding Collaborative Participation in Green Programs” National Fund for Workforce Solutions 2 nd National Annual Meeting Cincinnati, Ohio June 19-20, 2012 Presented by: Kevin Doyle, Principal, Green Economy
greeneconomy Atlanta CareerRise Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative Central Iowa Works Funding Collaborative Career Edge Funders Collaborative Manatee Sarasota Dan River Region Collaborative Delta Workforce Funding Collaborative Detroit and Southeast Michigan Fund for Innovative Workforce Solutions Greater Newark Workforce Funders Collaborative Greater Washington Workforce Development Collaborative Heartland Workforce Solutions Job Opportunity Investment Network (JOIN) Los Angeles Workforce Funder Collaborative Milwaukee Area Workforce Funding Alliance New York City Workforce Innovation Fund Opportunity Chicago Partners for a Competitive Workforce Preparation for Aviation Career Employment System San Diego Workforce Funders Collaborative San Joaquin Valley Workforce Funding Collaborative Skill Up Rhode Island Skill Up Washington SkillWorks: Partners for a Productive Workforce WIRED 65 Regional Workforce Partners Workforce Innovations in Northwest Louisiana Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford
For additional information: Kevin Doyle Principal Green Economy 10 High Street, Suite 610 Boston, MA (office) (mobile)