Navigate to and log in using your provided credentials: Username: firstlast (i.e. emilykerr, michaelmcnamara, itzhakperlman) Password: mrmacrules4life LOGGING IN
Once you log in, you’ll see this screen. You can scroll through your assignments on the left, or click your class on the right to view grades. HOME SCREEN
Select the assignment you wish to complete, and you will come to this screen. Click the “Start Recording” button to begin. RECORDING
You may be prompted to allow microphone access for Adobe Flash. I would hope the choice is obvious. ALLOW ACCESS
As soon as you click “Start Recording” or “Allow” (if prompted), you may begin playing. When you are finished, just click the “Stop Recording” button. PLAY YOUR RECORDING
Make sure you listen to yourself play to be certain that you are satisfied with your work. If you don’t like it, click the “Discard” button, and the process will repeat. Otherwise, click the “Submit” button. REVIEW YOUR RECORDING
When you click “Submit”, you will be brought to this screen, where you can listen to your recording once more. Click the play button to make sure that it submitted properly. If you find some issue, let your section leader know. DONE!
From any page on MusicFirst, you can click the red home button to go back to your home screen. SEEING YOUR GRADES, PT. I
At the home screen, you can once again view your assignments and class. Your average will be displayed next to the class name, and you can click the class to see individual grades. SEEING YOUR GRADES, PT. II
Clicking your class will bring you to your class page. Your grades on individual assignments will be on the left, and you can click any of them to view comments. SEEING YOUR GRADES, PT. III
You will be brought to your assignment, where you can view your grade again. Scroll down to see comments, either from your section leader or Mr. Mac himself (uh-oh). SEEING YOUR GRADES, PT. IV
To see your class average, click the “Grades” button at the top of your class page. WHY IS THIS TAKING SO MANY SLIDES, PT. V
This is the grades page. You can see a list of all your individual assignment grades, in addition to your cumulative average at the top. THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST ONE, PT. VI
If you don’t like what you see, take it up with Mr. Mac at YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN RIDGEFIELDPS.NET ACCOUNT TO SEND THE . Mr. Mac will have told you this, but he listens to ALL submissions. If you receive below a 90%, he will automatically review your section leader’s assessment to be sure it is fair. This way, you don’t have to worry about undeserved grades pulling down your GPA. If you have questions about this policy, you can also Mr. Mac at the above address. If you have read this far, congratulations. This seems like a very boring slide. NOPE NEVER MIND THERE’S MORE, PT. VII
If you are still uncertain about anything covered in this PowerPoint, me at DO NOT USE YOUR RIDGEFIELDPS.NET ACCOUNT. You can also find me in school (until internships hehehe), or text me if you have my cell If I don’t reply, or have succumbed to senioritis, contact Mr. Mac at MAKE SURE TO USE YOUR RIDGEFIELDPS.NET ACCOUNT. However, do so at your own risk to life and If you have questions about the assignments themselves, contact Emily Kerr (concertmaster) at If you don’t know who your section leader is, I don’t know what to tell you. QUESTIONS, COMPLIMENTS, CONCERNS