Why do we need to eat? Food provides the body with energy which basically helps us to live Food helps prevent disease as it gives us essential vitamins. Food also allows the body to grow and develop
Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins
Carbohydrates What is the main role of carbohydrates? (CHO’s) The major role of carbohydrates is to provide the body with energy. It is the bodies first choice of fuel. Carbohydrates can be split into two categories, simple and complex. Simple Carbohydrates can be digested very quickly which gives us the quick fast acting energy. Because it is digested quickly it doesn’t provide energy for a sustained period. It is used for short sharp energy. The downfall of this is that because it is digested so quickly, the body cannot absorb all of the energy. The effect of this is that the energy left over is stored as fat. Examples of simple CHO’s: Candy, cake, juices, fizzy drink, bananas Complex Carbohydrates take longer to digest which is why they provide a longer lasting source of energy. The body slowly releases the energy and allows us to continue exercising for longer periods of time. Examples of complex CHO’s: Bread, rice, pasta, spuds
Proteins What is the main role of Proteins? The main role of proteins is to build and repair muscles in the body. They help repair damaged muscles and help you to become stronger. Food examples of proteins include; chicken, fish, nuts and dairy products.
Fats What is the main role of fats? Fats provide the body with energy and also play a part in energy reserve, which helps the body maintain a constant temperature Like carbohydrates, fats can be split into two categories, saturated fats and non saturated fats The term ‘saturated’ fats means that these fats are covered or saturated in hydrogen atoms. These are the yummy fats that need to be eaten in moderation. How can you tell the difference between the two? Saturated fats will usually be in a solid form at room temperature. This means that you would be able to hold them in your hand. Examples of saturated fats include dairy products such as cheese and butter, meats, chocolate and the list goes on and on. Unsaturated fats will usually be in a liquid form at room temperature. Examples of unsaturated fats include oils such as; sunflower oil, olive oil, and other plant oils.
Iron Why do we need Iron? Surely we don’t need to eat metal to stay healthy? Iron plays a very important role in the body. It helps to carry oxygen in the blood all around the body. A good source of iron comes from shellfish and red meats this includes; beef, lamb and pork.
Calcium What is the major role of calcium? Calcium is an element critical to many body functions, including bone growth and maintenance, Bone mass is built until age 29 years or so. After that, you cannot build more bone by increasing your calcium intake, but you can help prevent bone loss by maintaining a good intake of calcium and vitamin D and exercising regularly. The best source of calcium we can get in our diet is from milk.
Water Water Why is water so important? Everything in your body contains water: -the muscles that drive your performance are 75% water -your brain is 76% water -your blood is 82% water -your lungs are 90% water It is therefore not a surprise that your physical performance as well as your bodies ability to use nutrients to build and repair is totally dependent on your level of hydration. What if I just drink coke? Caffeine and sugar steal water from our bodies, instead of adding it. You also need more water in warmer or dryer climates, as your body loses more water through perspiration, breathing and urine. If you are thirsty, then you are most likely already mildly dehydrated. A dry mouth is one of the last signs of dehydration. What does water do for my body? Water regulates our body temperatures it is also used to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, as well as removing wastes from the body. Water cushions the joints and helps prevent arthritis and increases the efficiency of the immune system. It also prevents the clogging of arteries in the heart and brain. Basically water is totally awesome and keeps YOU alive. Next time you reach for that can of coke think about what your body actually wants, an ice cold glass of water!!!