Introductions Austin Stroud Instructional designer at the library, and I also am an adjunct faculty member at Ivy Tech where I teach Library Technology, Intro to Microcomputers (Microsoft Office), and a First Year Seminar on how to be successful in college. Your experience: Have you used before? If so, what websites have you used for ? What do you think of using to communicate with friends, family, and co- workers?
What is ? or (both acceptable) stands for electronic mail. The difference between and traditional mail is that is much quicker. Once you send an to another person, they receive it instantly. This other person may not check their instantly, but it is a much more efficient and quick way to communicate with others than traditional postal mail.
History of Source: line_a_brief_history_of_ .html line_a_brief_history_of_ .html
Free Accounts Microsoft Hotmail/Windows Live (one in the same) or or Yahoo! Mail Gmail (Google-owned) AOL Mail There are many others, too, but these are some of the most common e- mail websites people utilize. If you attend college or work, you may also have a free account given to you there to utilize for school or work purposes or for some
Choose your Internet Browser Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Other – (Safari on a Mac, Opera, others?) Any computer that you use while in the library will have all three of these main Internet browsers on it.
G-mail Overview Source: html html
Getting to G-mail
Getting to G-mail (Continued)
Creating your Account
Initial Screen After Creating Account
Navigation Rundown Compose Inbox Starred Important Sent Mail Drafts Spam Circles Labels (Personal, Travel, …)
Tutorials (Gmail and Outlook) (Hotmail/Outlook.com) (Yahoo)
Other Options On a smart phone: Outlook (work, home) – Can setup Outlook to work with Gmail: