MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action Dose – Response Curves Response fraction bound (fb) = Fraction bound [D] [D] = K D R + D R:D Response KDKD KAKA
MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action Dose – Response Curves D in system ‘R:D’ Response IC 50 or EC 50 or LD 50 Agonist: An agent that facilitates or enhances the normal action of a receptor. Antagonist: An agent that prevents the normal action of a receptor. 50% Or Log [agonist] O 90% IC 90 or EC 90 or LD 90 Inhibition Concentration Effective Concentration Lethal Dose
MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action Dose – Response Curves Drug 1 Drug 2
MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action Efficacy and Potency …… Potency corresponds to the strength of a drug, while Efficacy corresponds to the effectiveness of a drug. …… e.g., if 1 mg of drug A relieves pain as effectively as 10 mg of drug B, drug A is twice as potent as drug B …… the diuretic furosemide eliminates much more salt and water through urine than does the diuretic chlorothiazide. Thus, furosemide has greater efficacy than chlorothiazide.
MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action Efficacy / Potency / Toxicity Desired Response (%) Toxicity (%) Log [Drug] Blue lines …. Drug 1 Red lines …. Drug 2 Solid lines …. Desired response Dotted lines …. Toxicity response
MEDC 603 Fall Measuring Drug Action How are these drug-response profiles generated? e.g., anticoagulants and inhibition of pro-coagulant enzymes T S S T S S Anticoagulant Color Development = Activity of Enzyme Time (s) [A] =0 [A] = max Inhibition of Enz: Log [anticoagulant] K I or IC 50
MEDC 603 Fall Cellular/Pharmacological assays Cell Viability Assay Drug Mouse Tail Flick Assay Drug Heat! How are these drug-response profiles generated? Measuring Drug Action
MEDC 603 Fall High Throughput Screening Assays 96-well microtiter plate Simultaneous …. 96- or 384-well microtiter plates …. robotic analysis Chromogenic substrates …. develop color Yes or No answer ….. fixed concentration of drug Quantitative …. may also give you K I values!! How are these drug-response profiles generated? Measuring Drug Action