Your LINOLEUM BLOCK is your tool for printing. We will call it the MATRIX. Trace your matrix onto drawing paper.
Draw a composition made of: -CLOSED SHAPES -OVERLAPPING SHAPES **Keep in mind your print will print backwards**
Color in your image with sharpies. Use at FOUR or FIVE colors and include areas of WHITE. On a blank area of your drawing paper, make a list #1-4 (or 5) and assign a number to each color that you’ve used: #1 will be WHITE #2 purple #3 green #4 yellow
Use TRANSFER paper to transfer your image onto your matrix. It will not show up easily so you will have to push hard.
Go over the areas that didn’t show up well with your pencil. Be careful because the pencil does not erase – it just smudges!!
Before you cut, known your tools. The skinny nib is good for drawing outlines. Try using it before using a wider nib for removing larger areas.
Begin by cutting out the areas that you want to remain WHITE in your print.
BENCH HOOK BRAYER Ink: Not too much!! Colors are mixable Load your brayer with COLOR #2
Roll brayer over the raised surface of your matrix.
(“mark corners”) Carefully lay matrix face-down on your each of your 3 SHEETS OF PAPER. Use a pencil to mark the corners around your matrix so you can print in this exact same spot again!
Carefully peel off your paper from the matrix and marvel at your first color! (notice that it prints backwards...) Repeat this, and each of the following steps, on all 3 pieces of paper.
Cut out the areas that you want to remain color #2 (for me it was purple.) Ink up your matrix with color #3 (for me it will be green.)
Line up your matrix with the corner marks and print again! (notice that mine is a little “off” because I didn’t line up my corners carefully enough – oops!)
Cut out the parts that are to remain color #3 (for me it was green.) Ink up your matrix with color #4 (for me it will be yellow.)
All I have are primary and secondary colors, straight off the color wheel. What colors did I use to make this yellow dull and warm? Roll your brayer in TWO directions. Roll it until you hear a good sticky sound.
Print! If you have a fifth color, repeat the steps again. (cut out the parts of your matrix that will remain color #4, ink the matrix with color #5, print)