Alaska Annual NTHMP Report November 19, 2008 Silver Spring, MD Valdez, AK - Mar 27, 1964
Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Accomplishments $302.9 Funding Received $302.9 Funding Received –Meetings and Conferences (5 Nat'l, 7 in state) –Mitigation & Preparedness Outreach Events/materials Outreach Events/materials Annual Tsunami Awareness Week (March) Annual Tsunami Awareness Week (March) End-to-end test End-to-end test –TsunamiReady 2 initial certifications, 1 renew 2 initial certifications, 1 renew 7 communities visited 7 communities visited Evac signs – 2 communities Evac signs – 2 communities
Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Accomplishments Accomplishments cont. Accomplishments cont. –Modeling & Mapping Finalize Seward maps Finalize Seward maps Install instrumentation Install instrumentation –Warning Systems 7 sirens installed in 6 communities 7 sirens installed in 6 communities 1 portable warning siren system 1 portable warning siren system
Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Accomplishments Issues Issues –Grant length (1 year to short) –Grant process –Local staff workload
AEIC M & M Accomplishments $175 (Total Funding Received) $175 (Total Funding Received) –Validation and verification of Numerical code –Seward Inundation Mapping Project complete –Sitka Grids identified –Valdez grids and geological investigations in collaboration with USGS Issues Issues –Need grids developed (Propose 3 per year)
Alaska DHSEM FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Mitigation & Preparedness 50% staff time Travel Meetings Supplies Outreach NWR Radios 1. NTHMP mitigation, and education efforts. 2. Tsunami evacuation maps that support effective preparedness and response 4. A culture of tsunami preparedness And response. 5. Reduction of Loss of life property damage from tsunamis 6. Increase number of TsunamiReady communities 7. Effective and reliable Warning dissemination to citizens and visitors. $150K
Alaska DHSEM FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds TsunamiReady Warning Systems Signage Meetings Supplies 1. NTHMP mitigation, and education efforts. 2. Tsunami inundation maps that support informed decision making in tsunami-threatened communities. 3. Tsunami evacuation maps that support effective preparedness and response 4. A culture of tsunami preparedness and response. 5. Reduction of Loss of life property damage from tsunamis 6. Establishment of more Tsunami resilient communities 7. Effective and reliable Warning dissemination to citizens and visitors. $150K
AEIC M&M FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Task 1- SALARY Publish inundation maps for 3 communities, EQ and landslide waves in Valdez, 5 new grids - 2 with EQ scenarios developed $203K Task 2- Grid Development (CIRES, 3 grids per year) ″$90K Task 3- Travel to communities, etc. ″$6K Task 4- Publication, (ADGGS) ″$15K Task 4- Equipment (computer) ″$9K UAF Overhead/benefits ″$197K Total Inundation mapping $520K
Alaska DHSEM FY 09 Funding Request Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds $