Homework/Reminders SP Timeline Link *Begin Looking for a mentor, and researching a topic for a 5-7 p. paper* Fri., Oct. 2: SP Meeting on Portfolio Expectations Fri., Oct. 2- Unit 5 FC due: Vocab. Unit 5 linkVocab. Unit 5 Tues., Oct. 6: Library Visitation (Focus: Research Paper- Easy Bib Source/Note Cards) Tues., Oct. 6- Turnitin.com Deadline by 11:30 p.m.: Argument #1: Publish-Ready Draft: Most Significant MC Lit Theme Wednes., Oct. 7: Proposal Resubmission Deadline #1 Closed Oct. 7: Resume Revisions Session (Bring originally-graded w/rubric and revised copy) Thurs., Oct. 8: Annotated Bib and RD of Works Cited due (mark Easy Bib source/note card change of date) Thurs., Oct. 22: Library Visitation (Focus: Research Paper-Sent. Outline) Tues., Oct. 27: Library Visitation (Focus: Research Paper) Thurs., Oct. 29: Due- Sentence Outline (provided format) and EasyBib Source/Note Cards Tues., Nov. 3: Library Visitation (Focus: Intro., Body Para.) Tues., Nov. 17: Library Visitation (Focus: Peer-edit Final Draft) Thurs., Oct. 22: Book #2: Summer Rdg Chapter Notes submitted to Turnitin
Classwork I. Whole-class Discussion: A. Collect Unit 5 FC B. Distribute Unit 5 Practice sheets to 3 rd Block: (CTS, S,A,CRW) C. Auditorium (SP Portfolio) D. Independent Study Options 1. Senior Project a. Forms: CFTMD, Mentor Approval b. Proposal Revision: See calendar for revision window c. Research Paper: Framework, Annotated Bib. d. Resume Revision 2. Publish-Ready Paper (Argument #1: Most Significant MC Theme). You will be evaluated on Vocab. Usage (5 words from units 1-5) and required Essay Format. 3. Julia Alavrez’s “I Want to Be Miss America” Qs Current Event Log Work 5. Vocab. Unit 5 Practice sheets
Classwork Senior Project Update → Vocab. Unit 5 Intro./Lesson/PracticeVocab. Unit 5 → Kahoot: Level G, Unit 5 Vocab. WordsKahoot: Level G, Unit 5 Vocab. Words Discuss Alvarez’s “I Want to Be Miss Amer.” Qs 1-8 Compare/Contrast Angelou’s “Without Commercials” and Alvarez’s “IWTBMA”
Julia Alvarez’s “I Want to Be Miss America” Questions 1-8 (pp.91-96) 1.Where is the Dominican Republic located? 2.How do the father’s words and actions fail to match when choosing his favorite contestants in the Miss America pageants? 3.How does watching the pageants broaden the sisters’ ideas about what they can do and be? 4.Why does Alvarez say that the popularity of exotic, “ethnic” looks in the late ’60s “came too late” for her and her sisters? *Apply SOAPSTone on your own paper
Alvarez Qs Cont’d 5. Why does Alvarez put an explanation point after every word of the contestant’s introduction in paragraph 3? What does this unusual punctuation achieve? 6.In paragraph 4, Alvarez writes, “There they stood, fifty puzzle pieces forming the pretty face of America…though most of the color had been left out.” How does this figurative language reinforce the main idea of her essay? Miss America Pageant How does Alvarez’s concluding paragraph differ in tone from the first paragraph of her essay? What message does this difference in tone convey to the reader? 8.(Add vocabulary and definitions to Vocab. Log): acute, sashayed, inane, aspirations, prodigies, sappy, diaphanous, gratifying, sallow
Research Paper Documents (links) Rationale/Steps/Framework Deadline Checklist Title Formation Annotated Bibliography Format