Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Vital Record (VR) Systems Information Exchange National Center for Health Statistics Classifications and Public Health Data Standards Staff (CPHDSS)
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Vital Record (VR) Systems Information Exchange The National Vital Statistics System provides essential data on births and deaths within the U.S. Current birth and death registration processes are characterized by: Higher expectations of data quality and timeliness by stakeholders and the public; Separate, costly reengineering projects in various jurisdictions; Limited integration among internal vital records systems and with other stakeholder systems; A need for a standards-based, uniform, and systematic approach to collecting and exchanging data from vital records.
CDC/NCHS Vital Records Standards Initiatives Health Level Seven (HL7) Vital Records Domain Analysis Model (VR DAM) identifies and describes the activities and data required for processing birth, death and fetal death records in compliance with the U.S. Standard Certificates of Birth and Death, and the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death HL7 Electronic Health Record System (EHR-S) Vital Records Functional Profile (VRFP) defines the functional requirements needed to capture vital records data at the point of contact or care with a patient
CDC/NCHS Vital Records Standards Initiatives Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) C-170 Vital Records Pre-populate Component Document specified data sets that may be pre-populated from an EHR to a VR system Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Maternal Child Health (MCH) Profile aligned the HITSP C170 Component document with the IHE MCH Profile provides a technical framework for developing interoperable systems that will support transmitting EHR systems data to VR systems
CDC/NCHS Vital Records Standards Initiatives Future activities to support VR Standards will: Focus on identifying required VR data exchanges and the potential for developing technical messaging and document requirements to support vital registration Include state pilot tests to determine interoperability between EHR and Vital Records Systems based on FY 2011 funding