Welcome to 4th grade Mr. Perrine B-19 Back to School Night
My 2 nd year teaching 4 th grade, and 9 th year teaching!!! Committed to your child learning and succeeding this year and years to come. Married for 21 years with a 20 year old son attending Sacramento City College. Received BA from Sacramento State in Liberal Studies Class of Received teaching credential from Sac State BCLAD program. I love the Raiders, the A’s, the Kings, the Sharks, Dog Agility with my Australian Shepherd Bindi, and going to church on Sundays! I enjoy spending time with family, taking care of critters, and learning new things! Who I am………
Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Solve Problems Make Good Decisions School Rules
Regular Day School starts at 7:55 School is out at 2:30 Minimum Day School starts at 7:55 School is out at 12:45 School Schedules
Is not Optional!!! It will be PRACTICE!!! Equals Happiness, Success, Great Test Scores, and GREAT GRADES! Equals Reaching our goal of, “Becoming Wild Readers and Learners!” DEVELOPES GOOD STUDY HABITS! Homework
1 2-sided Sheet per night Independent Reading Spelling Contract Occasional Projects, Science or Social Studies Friday Newsletter, Grade Reports, school notes, book order forms Home work is to practice skills already learned. Please let me know if your child is struggling. I do not want it to be a fight!!! What You will See In the HW Folder
Math Problem Solving and understanding the language and operation to apply to solve problems with relationships to real word situations Language Arts Focus on reading fluency and comprehension Increase vocabulary and different shades of meaning Producing a solid detailed paragraph with complete sentences, grammar, punctuation, and overall flow in supporting the topic State Testing – Moving towards common core and will be tested by Common Core Standards
Unit 1 Character Unit 2 Business/Money Unit 3 Early Medicine Unit 4 Money Unit 5 California Now! Unit Themes
40 Book Challenge Read 40 books during the school year across many genres Students will create Reading Blogs to share their reading Books will be leveled to each students abilities Our Goal is to be “Wild Readers” We will learn CLOSE Reading strategies to help us understand the author’s craft
Multiplication Tables Must be Memorized! I will teach the standards not to a curriculum I will identify students struggling and create intervention plans We will have small group help and I will always be available to help students at recess Math
We will learn all about California! Geography and Natural Regions Native Peoples, and Missions Gold Rush and Statehood Hollywood, Agriculture and Technology Social Studies
We will study the basics of Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science We will use our EEI California State curriculum. We will also work in our Scott Forseman Science materials. We will attempt to do at least one hands on experiment per month. We will end the year with a school wide science fair. Science
Grades and Report Cards Trimester = 3 report cards Trimester = 3 report cards 4 = Advanced, 3 = Proficient, 2 = Basic, 1 = Below Basic 4 = Advanced, 3 = Proficient, 2 = Basic, 1 = Below Basic Parent Conferences are in October and February Parent Conferences are in October and February Weekly Progress Reports are sent home on Fridays Weekly Progress Reports are sent home on Fridays I do not give grades, they are earned I do not give grades, they are earned
End of Each Trimester Perfect Attendance Academic Achievement Outstanding Effort Citizenship Classroom Awards Lunch and a movie in the Classroom for every 17 days of perfect attendance. Weekly Lotteries Dojo Fresh Food Friday Award Assemblies
(916) ext (916) Students or parents can call me on my cell for “Homework Help” until 9:00PM. You can me any time!!!! Where you can reach me…
Also look on our school website for our new 4 th grade Site! Our Class Website!