ITIS 5160 Applied Databases Fall 2012
Overview Class hour 9:30am – 12:15pm, Friday, Woodward 120 Office hour 1:30 – 2:30pm, Wednesday Instructor - Dr. Weichao Wang – Office – Woodward Hall 333C (after the labor day) Webpage /index.htm 5160/index.htm Textbook Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke. Database Management Systems(3rd) McGraw Hill, 2002 Online information, Lecture slides Solutions to odd-numbered exercises Minibase software
Topic Description Concept design, ER model, relational model, SQL, normal forms DB programming and JDBC Database indexing, physical database design and tuning Data warehouse Conceptual design, OLAP, data cube Physical design, indexing & tuning Advanced database topics, distributed DB, OODB, web DB, KDD etc.
Course Prerequisite Data Structures Familiarity with programming with Java or C++ is assumed
Grading Composition Class participation5% Group project40% Midterm25% Final30% Scale Based on curves
Project reports Late policy: 50% score within 24 hours; After that: 0% Must be word or pdf files. Electronic submission accepted
Project Develop an information system using Oracle. Two components: both OLTP and OLAP oriented Each group consists of 3-4 students 4-6 hours workload each week is expected Java or C++ assumed More information Will be provided on the class webpage
Midterm & Final One cheat sheet will be allowed No discussion Cumulative No makeup