Street Smart Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Campaign Briefing to the TPB Technical Committee April 7, 2006 Item 7 Michael Farrell COG/TPB Staff Item 7,


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Presentation transcript:

Street Smart Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Campaign Briefing to the TPB Technical Committee April 7, 2006 Item 7 Michael Farrell COG/TPB Staff Item 7, April 7, 2006 TPB Technical Committee

2 The “Street Smart” Media Campaign A one-month media campaign coordinated by the Transportation Planning Board, supported by federal funds through states plus local funds Radio, newspaper, bus, and outdoor transit advertising for changing driver and pedestrian behavior, aimed at male drivers age 18 to 34 Four waves: October 2002, April 2004, June 2005, March-April 2006 Press event for 2006 campaign took place March 21, in Alexandria, VA.

3 Why a Regional Campaign? 23% of all traffic fatalities in the Washington region are pedestrians or bicyclists Heightened awareness of the suburban pedestrian safety problem Economies of scale in purchasing mass media Complements engineering, enforcement, and school-based education by the states and localities Goal: to change driver and pedestrian behavior in order to reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries


5 Current Media Campaign: March 20 – April 19, 2006 Radio (targeted stations) 450 spots$90,000 Print24 ads$12,000 Transit (targeted locations)$107,000 –Bus Sides30 –Bus Backs175 –Shelters35 Collateral Materials$23,000 –Posters3,000 –Handouts60,000 Public Relations$28,000 Campaign Creation/Production$25,000 Evaluation/Administration$54,000 Total:$339,000

6 Coordination with Law Enforcement COG Police Chiefs Committee agreed at its January 2006 meeting to coordinate law enforcement efforts with March- April 2006 campaign Sixteen Police Departments requested safety hand-outs, offered to use them in pedestrian-related enforcement Three live enforcement/media events: –City of Alexandria, March 21 –District of Columbia, March 28 –Montgomery County, March 29

7 Funding TPB has requested that its local governments consider providing funding for the Street Smart program at a level of five cents per capita Letters requesting funds for 2006 were sent in October 2005, and letters requesting funds for 2007 were sent in March, 2006 Suggested contributions were identical for 2006 and 2007


9 Street Smart Funding History (in thousands)

10 Outlook Pre- and Post-Campaign surveys are being conducted to measure campaign effectiveness. An annual report will be available in September. Next campaign will likely take place March-April, 2007 To diversify the funding base for 2007, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee recommends that the TPB seek corporate sponsorship