Flyin’ All Around Flyin’ All Around Travel Agency Come fly with us
Who We Are o Travel agency targeted specifically towards children and youth o In charge of booking retreats, field trips, etc.
St. Augustine YG Retreat Background: Destination: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island July 2-5 *Details can be found in letter and brochure Theme: God’s Green Gables ○ focus on God’s Creation ○ how the different Christians of PEI thank God for it o Transportation via WestJet Airlines o Accommodations: Comfort Inn Hotel o Four Religious Sights and Two Non-religious Sights o Special last night dinner: Water St. Fish and Chips Letter
Sites History and Locations (found in brochure and on website) o St. Dustan’s Basilica o St. Peter’s Cathedral o St. Peter and St. Paul Orthodox Church o Community Baptist Church o Green Gables o Charlottetown Mall *Details can be found on brochure and website brochure
St. Dustan’s BasilicaSt. Peter’s Cathdedral Green Gables Charlottetown Mall St. Peter and St. Paul Antiochian Church Community Baptist Church
Special Last Night Dinner Water St. Fish and Chips o Owner Hamid Sanayie o British culture incorporated into Canadian dishes o Very popular and well- known o Set menu made for the youth group
Costs Includes o Accommodations o Transportation o Meals o Miscellaneous $1,579.47
Sign Up o Fill out the form o Early Bird Gift o Gift Bag with international souvenirs o 10% discount next time you use our services
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33 Castle Road Markham, ON L4B G4H Phone: (416) Fax: (416) Thank You For Listening!