BTEC Level ½ Sport Unit 1: Fitness for sport and exercise Exam practice
Question 1 (8 Marks) A coach organises for his football team to undertake the multistage fitness test to measure the teams aerobic endurance. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the multistage fitness test for the football coach
Advantages (4 Marks) A large group can complete the test at once which means that the whole team can be tested at once, this saves the coach time. The test is easy to set up, the coach only needs to measure distance and mark out two cones and then press play on a cd player. Coach can choose to do the test indoors or outdoors so does not need to spend time finding a venue. Useful way to measure ability; performers should work until they can run no longer.
Disadvantages (4 marks) Some performers will choose when they stop running and so scores may not be accurate as some may stop before they are tired. If it is done outside then environmental factors such as wind can influence results this means that the performer may run slower. If the test is done indoors then people may get to hot and perform to their maximum. Equipment could be a problem as need to have the test on CD and coach needs to have audio systems to play it on. Performers find the test boring as it is repetitive and this can affect their motivation which can impact on their results.