Application of UDL ‘way of thinking’ UDL-PCG Webinar 5 May 6, 2013
Welcome back! UDL Connect
Goal for today To reflect on applications of UDL in practice.
Exercise: Read the example of teacher practice. Decide if it incorporates UDL. – Explain why or why not.
Practice example #1: A teacher makes an extra, supplemental reading available for her top students so they can ‘dive deeper.’ Does this incorporate UDL? Why or why not?
Example #2: The goal is for students to write a comparative essay. Teacher gives students 3 choices of topic. A student asks if she could, instead, choose her own topic for the assignment. The teacher says ‘yes, as long as you meet the writing goal.’ Does this incorporate UDL? Why or why not?
Example #3 In preparing for a lesson, a teacher considers the IEP plans for her students, then makes those options available for all her students. Does this incorporate UDL? Why or why not.
Example #4 The goal is to read the book ‘Charlotte’s Web.’ There are 3 levels for this book: easy – hard. The teacher gives students the choice of which level they want to read. Does this incorporate UDL? Why or why not?
Reflect on these examples: What is new? What resonates? What challenges?
Observe a lesson: Choose one of the 3 Principles. How does this teacher incorporate the Guidelines in her classroom? How did the design support all learners? Give one example.
Post one idea to chat box: How did this teacher incorporate UDL Guidelines in her practice? – The teacher incorporated Guideline … by … How did the design of the lesson support all learners? – The lesson supported … learners because …
I used to think… Now I think… I used to think that learning… Now I think…
I used to think… Now I think… I used to think that goals… Now I think…
I used to think… Now I think… I used to think that planning lessons… Now I think…
I used to think… now I think… I used to think that variability… Now I think…
Innovate from the margins, make accessible for all.
For example, UDL Book Builder
UDL Recognition: “what” – Multiple means representation Strategy: “how” – Multiple means of action & expression Affect: “why” – Multiple means of engagement
This series: build awareness
Next steps Thoughts from Barbara
UDL for Indiana PD Writers: Application for PD and Classroom Lessons
Think about what we’ve learned about UDL and its connection to how we should approach developing professional modules. Write out an effective practice and its UDL basis that you can include in a “Tip Sheet” with specific guidance for future PD writers. – For example: Learners need multiple way to engage in PD so we need to ….. What have we learned about UDL?
Can the student access instruction? Is targeted information provided in student’s mode of communication? Can the student interact with instruction and materials? Does the student have the means to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and concepts acquired? What will engage the student in the activity? How will the student remain motivated long enough to learn? Guiding Questions
More Guiding Questions Are students with cognitive disabilities actively participating in each part of the instructional activity? Are the activities moving the student toward outcomes linked to the grade level content standard(s)? –Can the student access instruction? –Is targeted information provided in student’s mode of communication? –Can the student interact with instruction and materials? –Does the student have the means to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and concepts? –What will engage the student in the activity? –How will the student remain motivated long enough to learn? 25
Lesson One – Consider the UDL flexibility represented in Lesson One in the introduction, body and practice. » Means of presenting information to students? » Means that students have for expressing information? » Means that student have for engaging in the activity and materials? How is UDL flexibility represented in each section of the lesson? Are there additional ways that UDL principles could be applied? Mathematics Instructional Unit, Measurement, Grade Span 3-5
Keep in touch (UDL Connect) To learn more about UDL: – Additional readings, materials – Additional webinars, PD consultation