What does it mean to make an INFERENCE?
What is an INFERENCE? How is this different from guessing? Educated guess Reading between the lines Drawing conclusions Information (clues) provided by the writer + our previous knowledge of the world = a textually supportable conclusion How is this different from guessing? How is this different from an opinion?
“Reading is the taking of inferential walks “Reading is the taking of inferential walks. The text offers point A and point E, and the reader must walk points B, C, and D to reach point E” ~writer, Umberto Eco
“Inferential thinking is born out of questions the reader has about information stated indirectly in the text.” ~writer/educator, Cris Tovani
Example from “Three Soldiers” Question: When does this story take place? Information/clues provided “Gun oil” “long-range ordnance” “the news” “Maysuh Alheer” Our previous knowledge Guns – 300 years? Long-range weaponry – 100 years? News = TV – 50 years? Arabic = Middle East = Gulf War, War in Iraq—war began in 1991 Textually supportable conclusion The story most likely takes place sometime in the last 20 years
Where and when does this take place? He put down $10.00 at the window. The woman behind the window returned $4.00. The person next to him gave him $3.00, but he gave it back to her. So, when they went inside, she bought him a large popcorn. What is happening? Where and when does this take place? What’s happening between the characters?
“Conversation Piece” by Ned Guymon “No!” “Yes.” “You didn’t!” “I did.” “When?” “Just now.” “Where?” “Bedroom.” “Dead?” “Why?” “You know.” “I don’t!” “You do.” “Unfaithful?” “With whom?” “With you.” “No!” “Yes.” “She didn’t…” “She did.” “We didn’t…” “You did.” “You knew?” “I knew.” “How long?” “Long enough.” “What now?” “Guess.” “Police?” “Later.” “Why later?” “Guess again.” “Tell me!” “Look.” “Oh, no!” “Oh, yes.” “You can’t!” “I can.” “Please!” “Don’t beg.” “Forgive me!” “Too late.” “Good God!” “Goodbye.” __________ “Operator?” “Yes, sir?” “The police.”