Sean Bataille Ethan Taylor Nancy Hampton Steven Dutton TEAM KILLZ MICE
1. Marbles roll through tube 2. Launch into cup/pulley 3. Activates the seesaw 4. Initiates domino effect 5. Domino set off mouse-trap 6. Mouse trap triggers remote control 7. Car runs/ starts next project
This is an example of conservation of translational energy mgh = ½mv 2 + ½Iω 2
The is an example of projectile motion (y-y 0 ) = (tan Θ)(x-x 0 ) - (g/2v2)(1 + tan 2 Θ)(x-x 0 ) 2
This is an example of rotational motion τ = F r
This is an example of conservation of linear momentum m 1 v 1 = m 2 v’ 2
DESIGN ISSUESCONSTRUCTION ISSUES Getting the marbles to launch correctly Making the mousetrap and remote control to work correctly Duct Tape $1.00 Dominoes $.78 Wood $4.50 Car $6.00 Batteries $2.00 Marbles $.20 Twine $.50 PVC $3.00 Cup $.05 Mouse Trap $.70? Screws $.10 Total Cost = $18.83
Finishes in less than 3 seconds Its faster than yours!