(Insert date & location of your conference/program) Prepared by Building Community Trust: Improving Cross-Cultural Communication in the Criminal Justice System
Who is here? Name Office/sector of the criminal justice system Word or phrase that best describes why you are here
Conference Objectives As a result of this conference, participants will be able to: Describe basic concepts of culture, cultural competency, and implicit bias. Discuss the rationale for the study of cultural competency by criminal justice system stakeholders. Identify jurisdiction-specific cultural issues that are undermining community confidence in the fairness, integrity, and reliability of the criminal justice system. Demonstrate communication and action-planning skills for addressing these issues.
Where are we headed? Vocabulary & rationale “Culturally Competent Criminal Justice System” Implicit bias, disparities & community trust So what do we do about it?
Norms Facilitator’s role Respectful Listen to Understand Self-Responsibility: “I”-Statements vs. generalizations “Ouch - then educate” Confidentiality Comfort/risk balance Take care of business & rejoin Phones quiet Help us all learn What else? Do we all agree?
Assumptions Link between race/culture, issues/disparities & community confidence Cultural competence & diversity work: helps us to illuminate & address issues This workshop is one part of the solution Shared Values
Assumptions Cultural competence is not innate Cultural competence is not stagnant: it can be developed Must engage head, heart & hands People can learn & grow Organizations can too