Determine the person who’s last digit of their phone number is the biggest. If there is a tie, then move to the second last number. That person is the recorder for the group. The next person clockwise is the group spokes person.
Fractions can be compared using a number line. The number appearing to the right on the number line is the greater number. Fractions can be more easily compared if they have the same denominator.
We can give two fractions common denominators by first determining the LCM (lowest common multiple) of the two denominators.
Once we know the common denominator we can convert both fractions using our equivalent fractions method.
Once fractions have a common denominator they are easily compared. They fraction with the greatest numerator is the greater number. Therefore we can compare two fractions or order multiple fractions.
Scenario: A younger student is having trouble adding / subtracting integers, as well as multiplying / dividing integers. You are assigned to tutor that student. Explain in detail what you would tell that student about all 4 operations.
ces_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/fractions/le vel4.htm ces_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/fractions/le vel4.htm