Reading ► Pleasure Reading Passive Relaxed Comfortable Done for personal interest ► Critical Reading Active Academic Done to get you thinking more about underlying messages
Critical Reading ► Take notes as you read: Ideas that seem important (importance may not be clear yet). Images/ideas that keep coming up Questions that you have (usually about the author’s purpose)
Ideas that seem important (importance may not be clear yet). ► How to know what ideas might be important? Class handouts Class discussions Recurring ideas Defining actions/situations
Images/ideas that keep coming up ► Recurring images help reinforce an important idea in a book: How a character/setting is described Comparisons to unlike things (humans to animals, etc.) Situations that seem to keep happening in different circumstances
Questions (and answers) that you have About the Author ► Why did the author _____________? ► What purpose does ________have on the story? ► Why did the author choose this setting? ► Etc.
Questions and answers to consider About the Audience ► What audience is the author trying to reach? ► What values are revealed about this audience? ► How does the language chosen help reach this audience? ► Etc.
Questions and answers to consider About the Text ► What impact does the text style have on the story? ► What impact does the language have on the story? ► Why does the language change/remain the same throughout the story? ► Etc.